The Faculty of Social Sciences has a long tradition of research projects on the urgent problems of the contemporary world, in the awareness that merit investigation are often of a global nature and require multiple and integrated approaches.

The projects, funded through appropriate fundraising activities and in collaboration with international foundations, bring together research initiatives between the Faculties and between Italian and international universities, involving faculty professors and some of its students.


Current Projects

  • Human Freedom in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, 2023-2026
  • STRONG Programme – Research 2023: Decent Work – Indagine sul lavoro dei migranti a Roma: occupati tra dignità e sconvenienza [prof. R. Bongianni]


Completed Projects

2001-2016 The Pavan Chair

Here follow the main projects implemented and completed through the Pavan Chair for Social Ethics (2001-2016). The Chair has been established in 2oo1 as the heart of the empirical and theoretical research of FASS. For 15 years, the Pavan Chair promoted research with an ethical dimension on the urgent problems of the contemporary world, drawing together the specific methodological strengths of each social science with interdisciplinary skills, the latter being a strength of the Thomistic tradition, to address issues of our day.