Work Space Management

Organisation & Work Hours

Smart Work

Those who can work remotely to fulfill some or all of their work responsibilities may be able to do so. These arrangements, which should be approved by the immediate supervisor, can be made on a full or partial day/week schedule as appropriate.


Alternating Days

In order to limit the number of individuals and interactions among those on campus, departments could schedule partial in-person staffing on alternating days, with some employees on site and some working remotely. These arrangements must be approved by their immediate supervisor.


Staggered Reporting/Departing

The beginning and end of the workday typically bring many people together at common entry/exit points of buildings. Staggering reporting and departure times by 15-, 30-, or 45-minute intervals may reduce traffic in common areas to meet social distancing requirements. Immediate Supervisors will discuss with employees the possibility of implementing this protocol.


Supervisors will determine with employees the solution best suited to his/her department.