16 November 2021
7pm live from the Angelicum, Rome
7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST
In his talk, Fr. Thomas references a lecture given by Fr. Aniceto Fernandez Alonso, O.P. who was a professor of Physical Science and Cosmology in the faculty of philosophy at the Angelicum from 1932-1950. The lecture was given here at the Angelicum at the inauguration of the academic year on November 14, 1935.
The original lecture, in Latin, is available here.
An English translation is available here. (Translated by the Dominican friars of the Albertus Magnus Lyceum at the Dominican House of Studies in River Forest, Illinois around 1950)
Fernández-Alonso, Anicetus. “SCIENTIAE ET PHILOSOPHIA: SECUNDUM S. ALBERTUM MAGNUM.” Angelicum 13, no. 1 (1936): 24–59. http://www.jstor.org/stable/44624373.
You can view Fr. Thomas’s talk on YouTube here.