Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek OP: A Thomistic Perspective on Theistic Evolution and its Dialogue with Science
Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek OP is a Dominican priest, professor, and the vice-dean of the faculty of theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome. He is an expert on Thomistic philosophy and theology and their intersection with modern science, especially regarding the topic of evolution.
Fr. Tabaczek recently published the book “Theistic Evolution: A Contemporary Aristotelian-Thomistic Perspective” with Cambridge University Press (2024).
In Uppsala, Sweden, Fr. Tabaczek gave two talks at a conference titled “God and Nature: Reflections on Emergence, Causality and Directionality” hosted by Nordic Dialogues on Science, Theology, and Worldviews on April 17-18, 2024. His talk titles were “Theistic Evolution: A Contemporary Thomistic Perspective” and “Emergence: A New Ontology for a Scientific Age?”.
In the United States, Fr. Tabaczek spoke at events organized by the Thomistic Institute in Washington D.C. He lectured on “The Evolutionary and Classical Definitions of Species”, “The Role of Teleology and Chance in Evolution”, and “The Alleged Violation of the Principle of Proportionate Causation in Evolutionary Transitions”. He gave public open lectures at Yale University and Brown University. His seminars were at the Dominican Parish in Greenwich Village, Manhattan for young professionals and at MIT/Harvard (a joint session at the Catholic Center at Harvard).
In June 2024, Fr. Tabaczek will be a featured speaker at the “All Things That Were Made” conference co-sponsored by the Institute for Catholic Theological Formation at The Saint Paul Seminary, University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He will be part of a panel titled “Anthropogenesis: Synthesizing Evolution & Catholic Doctrine”. For more info:
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