[FE 1006]  Philosophy of Nature I – 23.24

Semestre I
mercoledì 08:30 - 10:15

Informazioni sul corso

Prof: DAVENPORT, Thomas
Email: xw [email protected]

Lingua: Inglese
Programma: Baccellierato
Semestre I
mercoledì 08:30 - 10:15


This course aims to answer fundamental questions about nature. What are the common principles and causes underlying all natural things? It emphasizes the perennial notions of natural philosophy in the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition. We explain the process of change in mobile beings using concepts of act and potency. Next it studies the notions of substance and accidents. Lastly, we examine the notions of form and matter and the substantial synthesis


Bibliography :ARISTOTLE, Categories, Physics; THOMAS AQUINAS, Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics, (In VIII libros Physicorum Expositio), translated by R. J. Blackwell, Notre Dame Indiana: Dumb Ox Books, 1999; W. A. WALLACE, The Modelling of Nature, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1996; D. MCINERNY, The Philosophy of Nature, Lincoln: The Alquin Press, 2001.; M. DODDS, The Philosophy of Nature, Oakland: Western Dominican Province, 2010