Truth, Goodness, and Fantasy Literature

Fr. Philip-Neri Reese, OP

Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum)

Professor of Philosophy

Fr. Philip-Neri Reese addresses the Esade chapter of the Angelicum Thomistic Institute in Barcelona on the subject of classical fantasy literature, as opposed to the grimdark subgenre. He considers which kind of fantasy literature is the more true and more good art form, according to a Thomistic worldview.

Fr. Philip-Neri Reese is a Dominican friar of the Province of St Joseph and a Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of St.Thomas (Angelicum) in Rome. He is also the principal investigator for the Angelicum Thomistic Institute’s new Project on Philosophy and the Thomistic Tradition. He received his Licentiate in Philosophy from the Catholic University of America in 2015 and his Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2022. From 2015-2017 he taught philosophy at Providence College in Providence, RI. His main area of research is metaphysics and anything adjacent to it, with a special emphasis on the metaphysical thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and its subsequent reception and interpretation.
