Chinese Online Series: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas

中文系列線上講座: 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話

Lectures in Mandarin & Cantonese


Watch Talks from the 2022-2023 Chinese Series

Matteo Ricci’s Sinicized Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s Thoughts on Anthropology

Matteo Ricci’s Sinicized Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s Thoughts on Anthropology Prof. Hang, BAI | 白虹博士 Professor, School of Management, Wuhan Polytechnic University | 武漢輕工大學管理學院教授

Thomas Aquinas and Chinese Ethics: The Comparison between the Virtue of Charity and the Three Immortals | 阿奎那與中國倫理:愛德與三不朽之比較(立德立功立言

Thomas Aquinas and Chinese Ethics: The Comparison between the Virtue of Charity and the Three Immortals | 阿奎那與中國倫理:愛德與三不朽之比較(立德立功立言) Bernadette Cheng | 鄭玉階

Comparing the Virtue of Benevolence in Confucianism and St. Thomas Aquinas 多瑪斯仁愛之德與儒家仁愛之對比

Comparing the Virtue of Benevolence in Confucianism and St. Thomas Aquinas 多瑪斯仁愛之德與儒家仁愛之對比 Hsiao-Huei Pan | 潘小慧 Professor, Department of Philosophy, Fu-Jen Catholic University | 輔仁大學哲學系教授

Thomas Aquinas’ Law of Nature and Zhu Xi’s Law of Heaven | 多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理

Thomas Aquinas’ Law of Nature and Zhu Xi’s Law of Heaven多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理 Bernard C. C. Li黎建球 President EmeritusFu-Jen Catholic University輔仁大學榮休校長

Causality in Aquinas’ Action Theory 多玛斯行动理论中的因果关系问题

Causality in Aquinas’ Action Theory 多玛斯行动理论中的因果关系问题 Lingchang Gui 归伶昌 School of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 華中科技大學哲学学院講師

St. Thomas’ “Catechetical Instruction” 聖多瑪斯的教理訓導

St. Thomas’ “Catechetical Instruction” 聖多瑪斯的教理訓導 Andrew Lam | 林康政 Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Holy Spirit Seminary College 明愛專上學院客席教授, 聖神修院客席教授

Thomas Aquinas on self-knowledge of the soul and its relationship with God 多瑪斯論靈魂的自我認識與神的關係

Thomas Aquinas on self-knowledge of the soul and its relationship with God 多瑪斯論靈魂的自我認識與神的關係 Yueh-Kuan Lin | 林約光 Fu-Jen Catholic University 多瑪斯論靈魂的自我認識與神的關係

Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of Perception – 多玛斯·阿奎那的感知理论研究

Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of Perception – 多玛斯·阿奎那的感知理论研究 Ke Xu | 許可 School of Philosophy, Zhejiang University Assistant Research Fellow

Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 (SoundCloud Playlist)

Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Angelicum Thomistic Institute · Chinese Series 2022-2023

Watch Talks from the 2021-2022 Chinese Series

圣托马斯-阿奎那的神圣三位一体学说- 國 – A Study on St. Thomas Aquinas’ Doctrine of Divine Trinity

圣托马斯-阿奎那的神圣三位一体学说 – A Study on St. Thomas Aquinas’ Doctrine of Divine Trinity Mary G. Che 武汉大学哲学学院 – School of Philosophy, Wuhan University

孔子及多瑪斯·阿奎那五路之天主存在的論證 -粵 – The Five Ways of Proving the Existence of God in Thomas Aquinas and Confucius

孔子及多瑪斯·阿奎那五路之天主存在的論證 – The Five Ways of Proving the Existence of God in Thomas Aquinas and Confucius Rev. Edward Chau King Fun, Emeritus Director of Philosophy and of Religious StudiesThe Holy Spirit Seminary College (Hong Kong)榮休香港聖神修院神哲學院哲學系主任兼榮休宗教學系主任周景勳神父 Presentation in Cantonese講座以粵語進行

阿奎纳之灵魂学说(神学大全第一集|第三册之75题)國 – Aquinas’s Doctrine of the Soul in the Summa Theologiae I q.75 – Mandarin

阿奎纳之灵魂学说(神学大全第一集|第三册之75题)- Aquinas’s Doctrine of the Soul in the Summa Theologiae I q.75 Prof. Bai Hong 白虹教授 Wuhan Polytechnic University 武汉轻工大学

The Application of Summa Theologiae in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 《天主教教理》中《神學大全》的應用 – 粵

The Application of Summa Theologiae in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 中文系列:文化与宗教《天主教教理》中《神學大全》的應用 – 粵 Mr. Lam Hong Ching, Cheng Yuk Kai 林康政,鄭玉階

The Metaphysical Foundations of the Work of St. Thomas Aquinas 主題:聖多瑪斯·阿奎納的形上基礎

The Metaphysical Foundations of the Work of St. Thomas Aquinas 主題:聖多瑪斯·阿奎納的形上基礎 Prof. Bernard Li 主講人:黎建球教授 Chair Professor, Department of Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學哲學系講座教授

Cornelio Fabro之分有論——對多瑪斯天主肖像學說的再解釋 Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Imago Dei According to Cornelio Fabro’s Notion of Participation

Cornelio Fabro之分有論——對多瑪斯天主肖像學說的再解釋 Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Imago Dei According to Cornelio Fabro’s Notion of Participation Bernadette Cheng 鄭玉階女士 May 14, 2022 11:00 Rome / 17:00 Hong Kong 2022 2022 年 5 月 14 日 11:00 羅馬 / 17:00 香港 Bernadette Cheng is a doctorate candidate at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas and promotes Thomas Aquinas’s teaching to the … Leggi tutto
