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Lunedì 19 settembre - Inaugurazione

09.00S.-Th. Bonino, OP (Rome), Le sfide del tomismo odierno (Video)
09.45P. Porro (Italy), Un’autorità dirompente e controversa. Condanne, polemiche e la nascita del tomismo (Video)
11.00R. te Velde (Netherlands), Aquinas and Platonism (Video)
11.45J. Vijgen (Belgium), The Thomist tradition? (Video)

12:30 - Pausa pranzo

15.00 - Elenco dei workshop pomeridiani

15.00F. O’RourkePseudo-Dionysius as Aquinas’s source on angels
15.45B. Aráoz VallejoLa recepción del Timeo de Platón en Tomás de Aquino
16.15U. HannonAquinas & the Areopagite
17.15A. GriffinAquinas and Cusa on the Platonism of Dionysius
17.45M. A. Beroch, SSVMA imagen de Dios: una fuente patrística en la concepción tomista del libre albedrío
18.15M. M. RossiA Hidden Source of the Prologue to the I-II of the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas
15.00C. Cuddy, OPThomism and the Question of History: Principles and Contingency
15.45E. Jindráček, OPWhat is a Thomist? A Historical-Speculative Consideration.
16.15R. Lynch, OPBañez on the Eucharist: the Good Friday Liturgy in Sixteenth Century Thomism
17.15S. LangellaLa Escuela de Salamanca e il suo debito con Tommaso d’Aquino
17.45L. LaoThe Philosophy of History of Cardinal Zeferino Gonzalez, OP (1831–1894) and its Thomistic Origin
18.15S. Filip, OPPrincipia et maiora Thomae Aquinatis pronuntiata sancte teneantur: Raccomandazione della dottrina di San Tommaso d’Aquino dal Papa San Pio X

15.00J. Rooney, OPRetributive Harmony in the Thomistic and Neo-Confucian Tradition
15.45M. Baggot, LCImproving upon Transhumanism: A Thomistic Natural Moral Law Virtue Ethics Assessment of Moral Enhancement Proposals
16.15J. MonzónSobre los fundamentos de la etica animal
17.15S. AbbateTransumanesimo e antropologia tomista
17.45J. EberlDoes Enhancement violate human nature ? A Thomistic Evaluation.
18.15D. SoarsThomism and Vedantic Hinduism
15.00M. PangalloPrimato dell’atto d’essere nella metafisica di San Tommaso e immortalità della persona umana
15.45J. R. Méndez (PAST)El ente : una novedad sin sistema
16.15J. MitchellAquinas on the Method of Composition and the Metaphysics of Operation
17.15Ph. N. Reese, OPOn the role of esse in Thomistic Metaphysics : L. Dewan vs J. Owen
17.45M. RaffrayMétaphysiques relationnelles contemporaines et métaphysique thomiste de l’être
18.15M. Ocampo PoncePrecisiones ontológicas de santo Tomás de Aquino sobre el principio de causalidad frente a las propuestas nominalistas
15.00T. HoffmannDeliberation and Rival Accounts of Free Choice in Medieval Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, Godfrey of Fontaines, and John of Pouilly
15.45J.J. Sanguineti (PAST)El amor de amistad como plenitud de ser
16.15X. Prevosti Vives, HNSSC«Para la libertad nos ha liberado Cristo»
17.15P. F. Lombardo BertoliniAproximacion a una filosofia del corpo humano en Tomas de Aquino
17.45M. Mrozek, OPDispositio and Habitus in Relation to the List of Categories in St. Thomas Aquinas
18.15P. de SolenniEquality of Difference: Leading to a Most Profound Intimacy and Friendship

Martedì 20 settembre - Filosofia

08:00Mass (Latin) in the main church at the Angelicum (Gerard Timoner III, OP, Master of the order)
09.00A. Contat, Trois défis pour la métaphysique thomiste au XXIe siècle (Video)
09.45M. Mantovani, SDB (Rome), Gli orientamenti principali dell’odierna ricerca tomista a proposito della teologia filosofica (Video)
11.00G. Tanzella-Nitti (Rome), Thomism, Nature and Science (Video)
11.45R. Pouivet (France), Comment et pourquoi peut-on être un thomiste analytique ? (Video)

12:30 - Pausa pranzo

15.00 - Elenco dei workshop pomeridiani

15.00L. TuninettiTruth, Reflection, and the Domain of Epistemology
15.45M. DamonteA. Kenny e la (presunta) filosofia della mente in Tommaso
16.15A. Lind, SJWhy the Thomistic notion of “truth” is still meaningful
17.15N. RamirezAquinas’s adaequatio: more than correspondence
17.45G. LuiseTranscendental Deduction and Ontology of Knowledge
18.15Sr. M.C. UgobiThe Primitive Principles of Aquinas in Context: A Cross-Cultural Approach on Learning to Be Human in the Present Day
15.00O. BoulnoisLa métaphysique d’Aristote et la scientia divina selon Thomas
15.45M. BastitThe Thomist critics of the Anselmian argument and two contemporary philosophies of religion
16.15J. O’Callaghan
What do the Quinque Viae conclude?
17.15F. PanizzoliUna struttura fondazionale: due interpretazione “tommasiane” di uno schema astratto della Category Theory
17.45F. RodriguezAquinas on Evil and the Will : A response to Mackie
18.15J. VerburgtIn Diversitate Unitas: A Note on Aquinas’s Ordering of Knowledge Forms
15.00F. AmeriniThomas Aquinas on the End of Human Life
15.45D. LendmanThe Separated Soul as a Person In Virtute
16.15C. TomaszewskiAquinas on Death as Substantial Corruption
17.15R. MoraesThe necessity of habits according to the Summa Theologiae
17.45M. PłotkaThomas Aquinas on overflow
18.15Miriam SavareseIl bello come concetto trascendentale in Tommaso d’Aquino
15.00J. R. LanavèreDe Les droits de l’homme et la loi naturelle (Jacques Maritain, 1942) à La loi naturelle et les droits de l’homme (Pierre Manent, 2018) :
une vision différenciée de la relation entre loi naturelle et droits de l’homme à partir de la doctrine thomasienne de la loi naturell
15.45T. Lapenne« Connaître la vérité sur Dieu », ou comment l’homme doit rendre un culte à Dieu
16.15C. Isler SotoDid Aquinas know the notion of natural rights? The current state of discussion: a clarification.
17.15D. SimoncelliQualis lex, talis natura: Ripensando la natura umana a partire dalla legge naturale
17.45O. JuurikkalaHuman Nature and Reasons for Action: Reading Aquinas’ Natural Law Doctrine in Light of Maximus the Confessor
18.15D. ZoumayaSt. Thomas Aquinas on the Knowability of the Natural Law
15.00M. Tabaczek, OPClassical and Contemporary Versions of Hylomorphism: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives
15.45G. ReichbergSituating Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Thomistic Metaphysical Map
16.15D. De HaanVindicating Aquinas’s Anthropology in the Age of Neuroscience
17.15T. A. Van WartAquinas and the Problem of Reason’s Preceding Contingency
17.45R. MillerThomistic Foundations for Moderate Realism about Mathematical Objects
18.15F. BinottoThe justification of the contingency of natural effects: the case of Thomas Aquinas

Mercoledì 21 settembre - Teologia

08:00Mass (Latin) in the main church at the Angelicum (Thomas Joseph White, OP, Rector)
09.00P. Roszak (Poland), Text, Method or Goal? On what really matters in Biblical Thomism
09.45B. Blankenhorn, OP (Switzerland), Thomistic Principles for a Contemporary Theology of Revelation
11.00G. Emery, OP (Switzerland), Théologie trinitaire
11.45Th. J. White, OP (Rome), Christology: Thomistic Principles and Modern Challenges regarding the Presence of God in History

12:30 - Pausa pranzo

15.00 - Elenco dei workshop pomeridiani

15.00T. PrüglPhilosophical exegesis? – The Expositio in Iob ad litteram as role model for Thomist Exegesis
15.45S. Long (PAST)The Analogy of Being as the Metaphysical Framework for Sacra Doctrina
16.15N. Lombardo, OPAnalogy, metaphor, and religious language
17.15M. VanziniLa scientificità della teologia in san Tommaso. Una riflessione attualizzante
17.45A.-M. Aubry, FSVFLa “soumission religieuse” au magistère simplement authentique
18.15I. Manresa, HNSSCLa exégesis del teólogo y la interpretación del santo a la luz de santo Tomás de Aquino
15.00E. PerrierL’Unique Operation de Dieu
15.45M. BauwensFive ways to the one argument? Revisiting Thomas and Anselm on demonstrating God
16.15M. HausmannL’essere come principio centrale della teologia trinitaria di san Tommaso
17.15D. GordonThe Trinitarian Act of Creation: Evidence from the Pauline Commentaries of Thomas Aquinas
17.45E. PiliDio come evento nel pensiero di Tommaso d’Aquino
18.15E. Koffi, OPAquinas on the Divine Persons
15.00R. PietrosantiDe aetenitate mundi. La questione della temporalità della creazione in Tommaso d’Aquino.
15.45B. AdamskiSi el amor fuera necesario. Pocas palabras sobre la necesidad del amor y la libertad de Dios en el hecho de la
creación en santo Tomás de Aquino
16.15L. Prieto, HNSSCConservación como primer efecto del gobierno divino
17.15B. Valuet, OSBSaint Thomas sur la permission divine du mal : Trois aspects moins connus
17.45K. Van ReuselThomas Aquinas’s concept of angelic time and the impossibility of an apokatastasis of the fallen angels
18.15B. DeSpainRewriting the Divine Ideas: Encountering the Fullness of Creation in Christ
15.00R. FerriL’Incarnazione: salvezza dell’uomo e rivelazione di Dio
15.45T. Weinandy, OFMThe Primacy of Christ in Aquinas’s Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 1:3-14
16.15J. Emery, OPAquinas’s use of the Principle of the Maximum in his Christology
17.15R. NuttThe Theandric Operation of Christ as Divine Philanthrōpia: On St. Thomas’s Doctrine of the Instrumental Causality
of Christ’s Human Nature and the Soteriological Implications of the Hypostatic Union
17.45M. Hysell, OPThe Anointing that Humanizes the Son: Doing Pneumatic Christology as ‘Theandric Anthropology’”
18.15L. SimmsSaving the Cross: A Critique of the Feminist Model of Incarnational Atonement in Light of the Theology of Thomas Aquinas
15.00D. Legge, OPThe Trinity at Christ’s Baptism and the Institution of the First Sacrament
15.45A. Queirós, LCOrdered plurisignification of sacramental signs. The contribution of III, q. 60, a. 3 to contemporary sacramental theology
16.15D. Langevin, OPThe Christological Dimension of the Deacon
17.15A. M. Surmanski, OPSacramental Honesty in Aquinas
17.45S. Sanz SánchezResurrectio praesupponit immortalitatem: From Aquinas to Ratzinger through Cullmann
18.15G. Contín Aylón¿Hay tiempo despuès de la muerte? Una respuesta desde santo Tomás de Aquino

Giovedì 22 settembre - Moralità

9.00Solemn Mass of the Congress in Saint Peter’s Basilica (Cardinal Ladaria)
11.15Udienza Pontificia (lo spazio è limitato e solo su invito)

12:30 - Pausa pranzo

15.00 - Elenco dei workshop pomeridiani

15.00S. Gaine, OPRecent Work on Aquinas on Original Sin
15.45T. Kennedy, CSsR (PAST)Grace in Moral Theology
16.15R. Van NieuwenhoveOriginal Sin Without Fall? – An Attempt at a Thomist Reconfiguration
17.15D. ElliotCultivating Infused Virtue: How Aquinas’ Late Turn to Auxilium Grace Reframes the Virtuous Life
17.45Marie de l’Assomption, OPLa capacité naturelle à la grâce dans les commentaires des Sentences chez Thomas d’Aquin et Bonaventure
18.15A. Ten KloosterIn statu conversionis: St. Paul’s Conversion and Our Growth in Virtue
15.00J. Larrú, DCJMLa renovación de las virtudes teologales en la tradición tomista
15.45M. Panero, SDBLa dottrina tomista del fine ultimo è ancora percorribile? Un tentativo di rilettura.
16.15A. Pidel, SJAquinas, Conscience, and Dissent
17.15F. RyanThe Complexity of Truth-telling: Virtue, “Lying”, and Prudentia
17.45C. CasanovaGrisez and the Perverted Faculty Argument: Its Assumptions Concerning Being, Good, and Hope
18.15A. SaccoLa giustizia come virtù
15.00M. EchavarriaLa familia, formadora de la personalidad humana
15.45P. GondreauChrist as the Highest Model of Chastity (Exemplum Castitatis): A Thomistic Approach
16.15M. O’Connor, OPThe Distinction Between Sexual Attraction and Sexual Desire:
A Contribution of Thomistic Philosophical Anthropology for Contemporary Sexual Ethics
17.15K. LoganSt. Thomas Aquinas and Edith Stein on the Sexual Difference of Man and Woman
17.45J. San RománSanto Tomás y la admisión al matrimonio de los que están imperfectamente dispuestos por lo que se refiere a la fe.
18.15F. Pascual, LCSanto Tomás de Aquino y la bioética
15.00E. MartínezLa educación de la sabiduría
15.45M. BártoliLa doctrina sobre el maestro de Tomás de Aquino en la cuestión 117 de la Suma de Teología: un aporte a la actual reflexión pedagógica.
16.15J. JuanolaLa magnanimidad como fin terapéutico
17.15F. RoggeroLa nozione di pretium iustum da Tommaso d’Aquino ai codici dell’Ottocento
17.45E. KincaidMercy and Justice: Thomistic Insights into Sovereign Debt Relief
18.15M. MauriLa virtud de la magnanimidad en la vida moral
15.00R. HittingerEschatology and Politics: Reflections on Étienne Gilson’s Louvain Lectures
15.45R. DoughertySt. Thomas Aquinas on the Best Regime
16.15J. CarabanteLey y Política. La actualidad de la filosofía jurídico-política de Santo Tomás
17.15J. MeinertThe Theology and Metaphysics of Peacebuilding: Thomas Aquinas and Peace Studies in Dialogue
17.45T. LaiTowards a Moral Realism: A Thomistic Ethics for War and Conflict
18.15A. MachowskiThomistic social virtues as means of the construction of pre-political world and possibilities of dialogue with the Chinese model of thinking about society.

Friday, September 23 – Morality

08:00Mass (Latin) in the main church at the Angelicum (S. Ecc. Mons. Sanchez Sorondo)
09.00W. Giertych, OP (Rome), Christian Moral Agency: a Question of Faith and Honour
09.45A. Campodonico (Italy), Tommaso e la Virtue Ethics
11.00A. Vendemiati (Rome), La legge naturale: eterno ritorno – eterna dipartita?
11.45Conclusions of the Congress

12.30 – Lunch Break and Free Afternoon

Sabato 24 settembre - Pellegrinaggio (Le iscrizioni al pellegrinaggio sono chiuse.)

8.00Partenza da Roma
10.00Arrivo ad Aquino
11.00Mass at the Chiesa Madonna della Libera in Aquino (S. Ecc. Mons Gerardo Antonazzo, Vescovo di Aquino)
13.00Pranzo presso il Ristorante Fini ad Arce, Frosinone
14.30Pilgrimage to Roccasecca
16.00Partenza per Roma
18.00Arrivo approssimativo a Roma