John Paul II’s “Roman Triptych” live performance in the Angelicum cloister // May 17, 6:30

After two weeks of intensive training and rehearsals the JP2 Studies students are proud to invite you all to a live performance directed by prof. Jarosław Kilian in the beautiful cloister garden of the Angelicum University in Rome, May 17, 6:30.

“The Roman Triptych” is a meditative poem in three parts published by John Paul II in 2003. It is a contemplation on the personal relationship of man and God: through intimate epiphanies and the Revelation. Its staging in the Angelicum cloister garden will be a production worked out in the third edition of prof. Jarosław Kilian’s theatrical workshop. In previous editions, Angelicum students prepared Karol Wojtyła’s “Job” (2022) and “Our God’s Brother” (2023). The performances were accompanied by professional scenography, costumes, stage lights and live music. The young actors performed before a live audience at the Angelicum Church of St. Dominic and Sixtus.

The true key word that sums up the pilgrimage in the second panel of the Triptych is not “Word”, but rather vision and seeing. The Word has a face. The Word – the source – is a vision. Creation, the universe, comes from a vision. And the human person comes from a vision. (Joseph Ratzinger)

Jarosław Kilian is a professor at the National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. He is an art historian and stage director. He held scholarships of the British Council and the US Department of State. As a stage director, he trained under the guidance of Peter Brook in Vienna. Since 2016 he has been the director of the Teatr Lalka in Warsaw. He has directed operas, outdoor performances, plays for children, and primarily stage performances of European and Polish classic masterpieces of Molière, William Shakespeare, Juliusz Słowacki and Aleksander Fredro.

Be sure to join us in the Angelicum cloister // MAY 17, 6:30 (FREE ENTRANCE)