JP2 Lectures // Joseph Weiler: A Non-Christian Europe – Is It Possible?

On Wednesday, October 19, the first JP2 Lecture in 2022/23 titled: “Non-Christian Europe – is it possible?” was given by prof. Joseph Weiler. Dariusz Karłowicz, president of the St. Nicholas Foundation and program director of the St. John Paul II Institute of Culture at the Angelicum in Rome introduced the audience to the issues of...

JP2 Lecture // George Weigel: “John Paul II, the Priority of Culture, and the Contemporary Culture Wars”

Angelicum, Aula 11

The lecture will explore John Paul II’s teaching on the priority of culture in the free and virtuous society of the future, as he outlined that notion in Centesimus Annus. This teaching will then be the prism through which to analyze today’s contemporary Western “culture wars” and the best means to engage those contests. George Weigel – American...