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Academic Degrees Earned

B.A. in Philosophy, Ave Maria University (Florida, USA)

S.T.M. / M.Th., ITI Catholic University (Trumau, Austria)

S.T.L., ITI Catholic University (Trumau, Austria)

S.T.D. (cand), Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Rome, Italy)

M.S. in Higher Education (in-progress), Immaculata University (Pennsylvania, USA)

Leadership Graduate Certificate (in-progress), Immaculata University (Pennsylvania, USA)

Prof. Steele is a Thomist, and in addition to his teaching duties in the Faculty, he is also a full-time Assistant to the Dean of Theology / Project Manager at the Angelicum. On a part-time basis, Prof. Steele also teaches Theology and Latin courses with the Rome study abroad programs for Ave Maria University (Florida, U.S.A.) and Thomas More College (New Hampshire, U.S.A.). He and his wife have four sons and one daughter. In addition to having taught Catholic theology for over fourteen years now, he was also a Director of Religious Education and Catechist for more than 6 years at different parishes, both in Florida and Washington State. Prof. Steele is also the Founder and President of the Theological Institute of St. Thomas Aquinas (“Thomisticum”). Additionally, he is an accomplished opera and musical theatre singer with over 25 years of professional performance experience, and worked as an Adjunct Instructor of Music during his time at Ave Maria University, teaching voice and acting for singers. Prior to his conversion to Catholicism, Prof. Steele served for five years as a Marine in the U.S. Marine Corps (Semper Fidelis!), and was subsequently a private investigator and police officer for many years in Southern California. He particularly treasures his experience as a Disaster Relief Volunteer for the American Red Cross in New Orleans, immediately after Hurricane Katrina and during Hurricane Rita – an experience that was a great impetus for his conversion to Christianity. Prof. Steele maintains a very active and healthy lifestyle of daily exercise and a strict carnivore diet, and enjoys bicycling, strength training, running, and all hiking/camping activities.


  • Thomistic Angelology
  • Thomistic Metaphysics and Epistemology
  • Thomistic Doctrine on Grace
  • Natural Philosophy
  • Theological and Philosophical Anthropology



  • The Relationship and Implications of Quantum Physics with Angelic Action and Divine Governance (especially as it concerns the efficacy of the sacraments)
  • The Theology of Exorcism via Aristotelian Physics and Metaphysics
  • The Influence of Medieval Islamic Philosophy on St. Thomas’s thought
  • Leadership Principles and Strategies as Understood via Thomistic Doctrine

American Catholic Philosophical Association (ACPA)

North American Patristic Society (NAPS)

William E. Simon Scholarship

Charles H. Stone Doctoral Fellowship

Marine Scholars Scholarship

Doctoral Dissertation: “Ordinata Per Angelos: A Thomistic Analysis and Interpretation of Angelic Operations as Causal Toward the Ordering of Spousal Relation and Unity”

Volume Editor for “Listening to the East – Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Eastern Orthodox Church“, The Institute for Ecumenical Studies (2022)

Volume Editor for “Listening to the West“, Pro Oriente & The Institute for Ecumenical Studies (2023)

Contributor for the Consortio of the Katholische Hochschule ITI, “Teaching: Toward a Craft of Science and Discovery” (2023)