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Welcome Fr. Albino Barrera, O.P.

Albino Barrera, O.P. is Professor of Economics and Theology at Providence College (RI, USA). He is a friar of the St. Joseph Province (New York) of the Order of Preachers. His research interests are economic ethics and the Church’s poverty alleviation work.
He has taught Development Economics, lnternational Trade Theory and Policy, Catholic Social Thought, and Theological Ethics for Business and Economics, among other courses. His most recent book is Catholic Missionaries and Their Work with the Poor (Routledge, 2019).
His earlier books are listed in Amazon.com. His forthcoming book is Compassion-Justice Conflicts and Christian Ethics (Cambridge, November 2023). He is the lead editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handhook of Religion and Economic Ethic (Oxford, January 2024).