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Persuasive Theological Writing: Sharing Catholic Wisdom in a Troubled World

Course Description

Jesus told his disciples: “In the world you will have trouble” (Jn 16:33), and of course He was right. Pervasive poverty, violence, illness and death have prompted theological questions throughout the ages. Our Catholic faith provides many answers. This workshop will focus on the art and method of sharing Catholic perspectives through persuasive theological writing. Using Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel’s Holocaust memoir Night as a discussion starter, students will learn to write clear, compelling and constructive persuasive essays that communicate Catholic wisdom to a broad spectrum of readers, believers and not-yet-believers alike. This workshop is intended for all students who enjoy writing, would like to improve their writing skills (and grades) and aspire to be published in popular but serious Catholic online and print journals. There are no prerequisites, but Persuasive Theological Writing I would be helpful.