Father Mariusz, O.P. on Thomistic Evolution recently in the U.S.A.

Father Mariusz, O.P. was recently invited by the Thomistic Institute in D.C. to give a series of lectures and seminars on selected topics related to his recently published book, Thomistic Evolution: A Contemporary Aristotelian-Thomistic Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2024). Father gave open public lectures at Yale University and Brown University, and ran two seminar sessions, the first in New York for young professionals at the Dominican Parish in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, and the second for students from MIT and Harvard.

Father spoke on the evolutionary and classical definitions of species, the role of teleology and chance in evolution, and the alleged violation of the principle of proportionate causation in evolutionary transitions.

For more information on the book and other publications of Father Mariusz’s work see our website!

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