Why Do We Get Judged Twice?


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Online Professors Series Why Do We Get Judged Twice? Fr. Simon Francis Gaine, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 16 December 2021 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English The Catholic faith teaches that we will all be judged by Christ, at death and then again on the last day. ... Read more

Miracles & Modern Science


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Online Professors Series Miracles & Modern Science Fr. Thomas Davenport, OP Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas 12 January 2022 7pm live from the Angelicum, Rome 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English This is an online lecture. You can live-stream it on YouTube without registering, but if you register, we will send ... Read more

An Exceptional Universe: Reflections from Physics


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series An Exceptional Universe: Reflections from Physics Fr. Javier Sánchez Cañizares University of Navarra 17 January 2022 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English This talk deals with the most relevant problems that emerge in our physical knowledge of reality, providing a renewed agenda of topics for philosophical and ... Read more

O que é a pessoa humana? Imago Dei em São Tomás de Aquino


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - O que é a pessoa humana? O que é a pessoa humana? Imago Dei em São Tomás de Aquino P. André Luís Tavares, O.P. 19 de Janeiro de 2022 19:00 Roma / 18:00 Lisboa / 15:00 Brasília Language: Portuguese O que é a pessoa humana? No centro dessa pergunta está a questão da identidade humana - ... Read more

La relation de l’homme à Dieu dans la tradition philosophique platonicienne et postplatonicienne

26 bis rue Cassette 26 bis rue Cassette, Paris, France

La relation de l’homme à Dieu dans la tradition philosophique platonicienne et postplatonicienne Anne Baudart Société française de philosophie 19 janvier 2022, 19h Paris, France Language: French Conférence suivie de questions. Cette conférence est organisée par le chapitre des étudiants de Paris de l’Institut thomiste Angelicum. Cliquez ici pour visiter leur page Facebook.

What is Just and Unjust is Usually in Dispute: How Can Aquinas Help?


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Virtue Online Series What is Just and Unjust is Usually in Dispute: How Can Aquinas Help? Fr. Robert Ombres, OP Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas 20 January 2022 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English The search for the meaning and application of justice, and the avoidance of injustice, has a long ... Read more

Gracia y salvación en la carta a los romanos según Tomás de Aquino


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Leer la Biblia en la tradición de la Iglesia Gracia y salvación en la carta a los romanos según Tomás de Aquino Catalina Vial de Amesti Pontificia Università della Santa Croce 24 Enero 2022 19:00 (Madrid) / 15:00 (Buenos Aires) / 12:00 (Mexico City) / 10:00 (Los Angeles) Language: Spanish Santo Tomás afirma que toda la ... Read more

Der heilige Albert über die Eucharistie


Thomistisches Institut Angelicum – Deutsche Online-Vortragsreihe Der heilige Albert über die Eucharistie Bernhard Blankenhorn, OP Ordentlicher Professor für Dogmatische Theologie an der Universität Freiburg (Schweiz) Livestream 25. Januar 2022 19:00 (Berlin) / 18:00 (GMT) Language: German Albertus Magnus war nicht nur ein grosser Philosoph und Naturwissenschaftler, sondern er hat auch die erste systematische eucharistische Theologie in Deutschland entwickelt. Diese Einführung in ... Read more

Offer i världsreligionerna: Ett Thomistiskt perspektiv


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Vad är Gud? Offer i världsreligionerna: Ett Thomistiskt perspektiv (Sacrifice in the World Religions: A Thomistic Perspective) Prof. Clemens Cavallin Nord University, Norway 27 Januari 2022 19:00 Rome/Stockholm Language: Swedish Offer är vanligt förekommande i de kända religiösa traditionerna inklusive de så kallade världsreligionerna. I denna föreläsning presenterar Clemens Cavallin, professor i Religion, Livssyn och etik, ... Read more

Sociabilidad e inclinación a la amistad en Santo Tomás de Aquino

Istituto San Tomás – Fundación Balmesiana Carrer de Duran i Bas, 9, Barcelona, Spain

Celebración de Santo Tomás de Aquino 2022: Sociabilidad e inclinación a la amistad en Santo Tomás de Aquino Dr. Aquilino Cayuela Erzbistum Berlin 28 de enero de 2022, 18:30 Instituto Santo Tomás de Balmesiana, Barcelona El viernes 28 de enero tendrá lugar, como cada año, la celebración de santo Tomás de Aquino, Doctor Communis Ecclesiae. A las 18.30 h se ofrecerá ... Read more
