IX Simposio de Estudios Tomísticos: TOMISMO HISPANO

Instituto Santo Tomás de Balmesiana, Barcelona Carrer de Duran i Bas, 9, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

IX Simposio de Estudios Tomísticos: TOMISMO HISPANO 27 a 29 de enero de 2023 Instituto Santo Tomás de Balmesiana Idioma: Español Desde 2013 se vienen celebrando anualmente en Barcelona simposios de estudios tomísticos, organizados por el Instituto Santo Tomás (Fundación Balmesiana), en colaboración con la sección barcelonesa de la Sociedad Internacional Tomás de Aquino – España (SITA-E), el grupo de investigación “Persona ... Read more

CALL FOR PAPERS – New Heavens and a New Earth


New Heavens and a New Earth: Scientific and Theological Eschatology CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: 30 January 2023 Conference Date: 10-11 March 2023 Language: English Theme of the Conference: Physical Eschatology Eschatology – theorising about the end of the world – has historically been the purview of theology and philosophy, in the same way that Cosmogony – theorising about the origin ... Read more

The Christian and the Transhumanist Desire for Transcendence: A Critical Evaluation


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series The Christian and the Transhumanist Desire for Transcendence: A Critical Evaluation Mariusz Tabaczek, OP Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas 8 February 2023 7:00  PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English The utopian vision and messianic instinct of transhumanist and posthumanist movement reflect a true ... Read more

Pensare con San Tommaso Oggi

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Pensare con San Tommaso Oggi 17-18 febbraio 2023 Angelicum, Aula Minor Clicchi qui per il programma. Largo Angelicum 1, Roma, RM 00184 Lingua: Italian Temi Tomismo Neoclassico Tomismo Trascendentale Prospettiva Ontologico-Relazionale Tomismo analitico Programma Venerdì, 17 febbraio 12:00 | Lorella Congiunti e Simon Francis Gaine, OP Saluti istituzionali 12:15 | Emanuele Pili e Damiano Simoncelli Pensare con San Tommaso oggi: un'introduzione 12:30 | ... Read more

Modeling, Idealization, and Truth: A Dialogue between Contemporary Philosophy of Science and the Aristotelian Tradition

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Modeling, Idealization, and Truth: A Dialogue between Contemporary Philosophy of Science and the Aristotelian Tradition 24-25 February 2023 Aula Minor, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome Language: English Click here to download the program Theme of the Conference: Philosophy of Science & Aristotelian Tradition A central theme within the philosophy of science is the importance of idealization, metaphor ... Read more

Free Will: Its Discovery, Denials, and Defense

Universidade do Porto Praça de Gomes Teixeira, 4099-002, Porto, Portugal

Free Will: Its Discovery, Denials, and Defense Daniel De Haan, Ph.D. 25 February 2023, 11:00 Porto, Portugal Faculdade de Letras de Universidade do Porto Language: English Dr. Daniel De Haan, Ph.D. is a Frederick Copleston Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Philosophy and Theology in the Catholic Tradition. Campion Hall and Blackfriars, University of Oxford.

APPLICATION OPEN – ATI Summer Seminar in Asian Philosophy and Scholasticism, 2023

Angelicum Largo Angelicum, 1, Rome, Rome, Italy

ATI Summer Seminar in Asian Philosophy and Scholasticism, 2023: Neo-Confucians and Scholastics on Practical Reasoning, Deliberation, and Choice APPLICATION Deadline: 28 February 2023 Summer Seminar Date: 13-20 July 2023 Location: Pontifical University fo St. Thomas Aquinas (Rome, Italy) Co-leaders: Fr. James Dominic Rooney, OP (HKBU) & Zemian Zheng (CUHK) Language: English ATI Summer School Purpose and Aims: to acquaint scholars ... Read more

Beauty and Religiosity in Science

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Beauty and Religiosity in Science 9 March 2023 Aula Minor, Angelicum Language: English Beauty and Science What role does beauty play in science? To address this question, this lecture draws on data from the world's first empirical study of the role of beauty in science, conducted in the UK, US, Italy, and India. After analyzing surveys of more than 3000 ... Read more

New Heavens and a New Earth: Scientific and Theological Eschatology

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

New Heavens and a New Earth: Scientific and Theological Eschatology 10-11 March 2023 Aula Minor, Angelicum Language: English Download the full conference program here. Theme of the Conference: Physical Eschatology Eschatology – theorising about the end of the world – has historically been the purview of theology and philosophy, in the same way that Cosmogony – theorising about the origin ... Read more

Thomism and Analytic Philosophy: The Promises and Perils of Dialogue

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Thomism and Analytic Philosophy: The Promises and Perils of Dialogue 14-15 March 2023 Angelicum, Aula Minor Largo Angelicum, 1 Rome, Italy 00184 Download the full program for the conference here. Language: English Theme of the Conference: Dialogue across philosophical traditions, like dialogue across disciplinary fields, is a dangerous enterprise. It comes with the danger of misunderstanding and the danger of ... Read more

La Verità e la dottrina di Dio

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Joint Diploma Doctor Humanitatis La Verità e la dottrina di Dio Serge-Thomas Bonino, OP e Vivian Boland, OP martedì, 21 marzo 2023 15:00 Angelicum, Aula Minor Language: Italian Per informazioni sul programma di diploma congiunto 2022-2023 sul Pensiero di San Tommaso e per fare l'iscrizione, visita www.sitaroma.com Orario 15.00 Introduzione e presentazione 15.10 - 16.15 Serge-Thomas Bonino, OP | Dio la ... Read more

Gerbert of Aurillac: Pope and Scientist


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Science & Religion Online Series "The Forgotten History of Science and Faith" Gerbert of Aurillac: Pope and Scientist Constantino Sigismondi Contract Professor in Rome Universities: Sapienza, Unicampus and APRA, Professor of Physics in Alessandro Volta Institute of Rome. 12 April 2023 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English A ... Read more
