Amizade com Deus e entre pessoas humanas


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - O que é a pessoa humana? Amizade com Deus e entre pessoas humanas Mons. Duarte da Cunha 10 de Março de 2022 19:00 Roma / 18:00 Lisboa / 15:00 Brasília Language: Portuguese Tal como os Antigos, também os nossos contemporâneos reconhecem a amizade como algo de fundamental na vida humana. Mas, apesar de todos concordarem na ... Read more

The Application of Summa Theologiae in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 《天主教教理》中《神學大全》的應用


Angelicum Thomistic Institute: 中文系列:文化与宗教 The Application of Summa Theologiae in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 《天主教教理》中《神學大全》的應用 Mr. Lam Hong Ching, Cheng Yuk Kai 林康政,鄭玉階 March 12, 2022 11:00 Rome / 18:00 Hong Kong 2022年3月12日 上午11點(羅馬)/下午6點(香港) Language: Cantonese 以粵語講授 The lecture will also be live streamed on our YouTube Channel and Facebook Page. 講座也將在我們的Youtube頻道以及Facebook頁面上進行直播。 Register to watch live. 可注册后观看直播

The Doctrine of Creation & Theories of Evolution


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series The Doctrine of Creation & Theories of Evolution Kenneth Kemp University of St. Thomas 15 March 2022 7pm (Rome) / 6pm (London) / 2pm (New York) Language: English According to a popular view of evolution and creation, the two ideas are alternative, indeed contradictory, answers to the question of origins. In ... Read more

Thomas av Aquino om varats metafysik


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Vad är Gud? Thomas av Aquino om varats metafysik (Aquinas & the Metaphysics of Being) Dr. Erik Åkerlund Newmaninstitutet 17 Mars 2022 19:00 Rom/Stockholm Language: Swedish En av de mer kända punkterna i Thomas av Aquinos metafysik är hans lära om den verkliga skillnaden mellan vara och väsen. Ett tings väsen är, kort sagt, det som ... Read more

¿Es Dios un ser atemporal?


Instituto Tomista Angelicum – Teología Filosófica ¿Es Dios un ser atemporal? Agustín Echavarría Universidad de Navarra (España) 21 marzo 2022 19:00 (Madrid) / 15:00 (Buenos Aires) / 12:00 (Mexico City) / 10:00 (Los Angeles) Language: Spanish El teísmo clásico ha afirmado siempre con rotundidad la atemporalidad de Dios. Esta afirmación se basaba en la perfección de Dios como ser absolutamente ... Read more

Hope: The Virtue of Spiritual Desire Made Possible in Christ

Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Virtue Online Series Hope: The Virtue of Spiritual Desire Made Possible in Christ Fr. Michael Sherwin, OP Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley 22 March 2022 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 2pm EST Language: English St. Paul affirms that charity “hopes all things” (1Cor 13.7) while the Letter to the Hebrews asserts that ... Read more

Suffering and Flourishing


Living Well in Troubled Times: The 2022 Hong Kong Philosophy Series Suffering and Flourishing Eleonore Stump St. Louis University 26 March 2022 9:30am Hong Kong Language: English From the Patristic period onward, the Christian tradition has supposed that those who endure serious suffering are not the pitiable losers of life or even the heroic overcomers of tragedy but rather are ... Read more

Albertus Magnus zur Philosophie und Theologie: Die Rolle des Erkennenden


Thomistisches Institut Angelicum – Deutsche Online-Vortragsreihe Albertus Magnus zur Philosophie und Theologie: Die Rolle des Erkennenden Dr. Katja Krause Professor (W2) für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, TU Berlin Livestream 30. März 2022 19:00 (Berlin) / 18:00 (GMT) Language: German Was ist die Rolle des Erkennenden bzw. des wissenschaftlichen Subjekts in und für die Philosophie und Theologie des Albertus Magnus (1200-1280)? Diese Leitfrage werde ich ... Read more

Why Developmental Psychology Matters for Virtue


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series Why Developmental Psychology Matters for Virtue Daniel De Haan University of Oxford 19 April 2022 7pm CEST / 6pm BST / 1pm EDT Language: English   Related Content

Acquiring the True Virtue of Temperance


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Virtue Online Series Acquiring the True Virtue of Temperance Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas 20 April 2022 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English Among the theological and cardinal virtues temperance has last place, yet is as essential to our daily life as all the others. In ... Read more

Albertus Magnus und die Philosophen


Thomistisches Institut Angelicum – Deutsche Online-Vortragsreihe Albertus Magnus und die Philosophen Dr. Alessandra Beccarisi Professorin für mittelalterliche Philosophie an der Universität Foggia (Italy) Livestream 21. April 2022 19:00 (Berlin) / 18:00 (GMT) Language: German Es ist bekannt, dass Albertus Magnus für eine klare methodische Trennung zwischen Philosophie und Theologie eintritt. Dies ist vor allem in den Prologen zu seinen Kommentaren zu ... Read more

The Virtues of Limits


Living Well in Troubled Times: The 2022 Hong Kong Philosophy Series The Virtues of Limits David McPherson Creighton University 23 April 2022 10:00am Hong Kong Language: English In this talk, David McPherson explores the place of limits within a well-lived human life and discusses his original account of limiting virtues, which are concerned with recognizing proper limits in human life. ... Read more
