A liberdade humana segundo São Tomás de Aquino


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - O que é a pessoa humana? A liberdade humana segundo São Tomás de Aquino P. Thomaz Fernandez 10 de Fevereiro de 2022 19:00 Roma / 18:00 Lisboa / 15:00 Brasília Language: Portuguese O que é a pessoa humana? No centro dessa pergunta está a questão da identidade humana - o que torna os seres humanos diferentes ... Read more

Varför blev Gud människa? Thomas av Aquino om inkarnationens motiv


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Vad är Gud? Varför blev Gud människa? Thomas av Aquino om inkarnationens motiv (Why God Became Human: Aquinas on the Motives of the Incarnation) Dr. Stefan Lindholm Johannelunds teologiska högskola 15 Februari 2022 19:00 Rom/Stockholm Language: Swedish I den här föreläsningen kommer jag att diskutera de skäl eller motiv som Thomas av Aquino ger för inkarnationen, ... Read more

Big Questions, and a Few Answers, at the Intersection of AI and Religion


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series Big Questions, and a Few Answers, at the Intersection of AI and Religion Brian Green Santa Clara University 16 February 2022 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English What has Athens to do with Jerusalem, or Silicon Valley to Rome? It turns out they have a lot to ... Read more

What is Truth? Aquinas’s Teaching on Lying


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Online Professors Series What is Truth? Aquinas’s Teaching on Lying Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas 17 February 2022 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English What is the essence of a lie? This question has been debated for centuries and with good reason. The secularization of society ... Read more

Deification through the Cross: An Ecumenical Symposium on Christian Salvation

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Deification Through the Cross: An Ecumenical Symposium on Christian Salvation 25-26 February 2022 Angelicum, Aula Minor and Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway Language: English Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant theologians will offer contributions to our understanding of the Christian doctrine of salvation on the basis of their own work and in dialogue with K. Anatolios’s recently published Deification through the Cross. An ... Read more

La existencia de Dios. Nuevas y no tan nuevas aproximaciones


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Teología Filosófica La existencia de Dios. Nuevas y no tan nuevas aproximaciones Enric F. Gel Universidad de Barcelona 28 febrero 2022 19:00 (Madrid) / 15:00 (Buenos Aires) / 12:00 (Mexico City) / 10:00 (Los Angeles) Language: Spanish En esta charla, expondré la aproximación tomista tradicional a la existencia de Dios (que cabe encontrar en el capítulo ... Read more

La idea de Sabiduría en la Edad Media

ESADE Av de Pedrables 60-62, Barcelona, Spain

La idea de Sabiduría en la Edad Media Alejandro Rodríguez de la Peña 1 March 2022 | 18:00 Aula 20 - Esade Campus Pedralbes (Barcelona) Language: Spanish En esta conferencia, el Doctor Alejandro Rodríguez de la Peña abordará la concepción medieval de la Sabiduría desde una perspectiva histórico-filosófica a través del análisis de varios personajes y autores de la época ... Read more

Joint Diploma Lecture: La Chiesa come società politica

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Joint Diploma Doctor Humanitatis La Chiesa come società politica 8 marzo 2022 15:00 - 18:30 Luogo: Angelicum - Aula Minor Language: Italian 15:00 | La natura sociale della Chiesa in San Tommaso d'Aquino (Handout) Sr. Alexandra Diriart, SCJ 16:15 | Pausa 16:30 | La giustizia nella Chiesa: Principi tomistici ed esempi contemporanei (Handout) Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP 17:45 | ... Read more

Why the Trinity Matters


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Online Professors Series Why the Trinity Matters Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas 9 March 2022 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English Christians claim that the deepest mystery of life is found in God, and that the identity of God is Trinitarian. God is the Father, the ... Read more

Amizade com Deus e entre pessoas humanas


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - O que é a pessoa humana? Amizade com Deus e entre pessoas humanas Mons. Duarte da Cunha 10 de Março de 2022 19:00 Roma / 18:00 Lisboa / 15:00 Brasília Language: Portuguese Tal como os Antigos, também os nossos contemporâneos reconhecem a amizade como algo de fundamental na vida humana. Mas, apesar de todos concordarem na ... Read more

The Application of Summa Theologiae in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 《天主教教理》中《神學大全》的應用


Angelicum Thomistic Institute: 中文系列:文化与宗教 The Application of Summa Theologiae in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 《天主教教理》中《神學大全》的應用 Mr. Lam Hong Ching, Cheng Yuk Kai 林康政,鄭玉階 March 12, 2022 11:00 Rome / 18:00 Hong Kong 2022年3月12日 上午11點(羅馬)/下午6點(香港) Language: Cantonese 以粵語講授 The lecture will also be live streamed on our YouTube Channel and Facebook Page. 講座也將在我們的Youtube頻道以及Facebook頁面上進行直播。 Register to watch live. 可注册后观看直播
