Die vier Evangelisten aus der Perspektive Alberts des Großen


Thomistisches Institut Angelicum – Deutsche Online-Vortragsreihe Die vier Evangelisten aus der Perspektive Alberts des Großen Dr. Maria Burger Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Albertus-Magnus-Institut in Bonn Livestream 25. Januar 2022 19:00 (Berlin) / 18:00 (GMT) Language: German Albertus Magnus begann 1257 als Lektor am Kölner Konvent mit der Auslegung zum Matthäus-Evangelium seine exegetischen Werke, die Kommentare zu allen vier Evangelien, zu den Propheten ... Read more

St. Albert the Great: Medieval Wisdom for Modern Science


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series St. Albert the Great: Medieval Wisdom for Modern Science Fr. Thomas Davenport, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 16 November 2021 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English St. Albert the Great (1200-1280) was a Dominican priest, theologian, administrator, and bishop who was named a Doctor ... Read more

Cómo leer las escrituras como Tomás de Aquino


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Leer la Biblia en la tradición de la Iglesia Cómo leer las escrituras como Tomás de Aquino P. Ignacio M. Manresa Instituto Teologico San Ildefonso 22 Noviembre 2021 19:00 (Madrid) / 15:00 (Buenos Aires) / 12:00 (Mexico City) / 10:00 (Los Angeles) Language: Spanish La hermenéutica bíblica de santo Tomás de Aquino puede resultar de una ... Read more

Jésus de l’histoire et Christ de la foi ?

26 bis rue Cassette 26 bis rue Cassette, Paris, France

Jésus de l’histoire et Christ de la foi ? P. Renaud Silly, OP Ecole Biblique de Jérusalem 24 novembre 2021, 19h Paris, France Language: French « Celui qui a vu rend témoignage, et son témoignage est véridique » (Jn 19,35) Cette conférence est organisée par le chapitre des étudiants de Paris de l’Institut thomiste Angelicum. Cliquez ici pour visiter leur ... Read more

Grace & Nature: Contemporary Controversies

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Grace & Nature: Contemporary Controversies 3-4 December 2021 Angelicum, Aula Minor Language: English What is the relationship between nature and grace in Catholic thought? What relevance do traditional controversies about natural and supernatural have for theology today? This conference asks about the significance of Christ's own grace for salvation, the openness of human nature to the divine, and the ultimate ... Read more

A Virtue and More than a Virtue: Charity as Fellowship with God


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Virtue Online Series A Virtue and More than a Virtue: Charity as Fellowship with God Fr. John Emery, OP University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Buenos Aires 7 December 2021 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English Click here to view the handout for this lecture (PDF). Fr. John Emery is a Dominican ... Read more

Pasajes oscuros en la Escritura


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Leer la Biblia en la tradición de la Iglesia Pasajes oscuros en la Escritura (verdad bíblica) P. Valentín Aparicio Parroquia San Juan de la Cruz de Toledo 13 Diciembre 2021 19:00 (Madrid) / 15:00 (Buenos Aires) / 12:00 (Mexico City) / 10:00 (Los Angeles) Language: Spanish A lo largo de la historia, la Escritura se ha constituido ... Read more

Existerar Gud? Thomas av Aquinos gudsbevis i samtida belysning


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Vad är Gud? Existerar Gud? Thomas av Aquinos gudsbevis i samtida belysning (Does God Exist? Aquinas’s Theistic Proofs in Contemporary Perspective) Mats Wahlberg Umeå University 14 December 2021 19:00 Rome/Stockholm Language: Swedish Idag råder ett stort intresse för den medeltida teologen och filosofen Thomas av Aquino, som ofta betraktas som Katolska kyrkans ”husteolog”. Thomas var en ... Read more

Evolution and Goal-Directedness: How Darwin Re-Invented Teleology


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series Evolution and Goal-Directedness: How Darwin Re-Invented Teleology Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 15 December 2021 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English The conviction that Charles Darwin got rid of teleology and replaced it with a new way of thinking about ... Read more

L’anthropologie théologique chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin

26 bis rue Cassette 26 bis rue Cassette, Paris, France

L’anthropologie théologique chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin P. Grégoire Froissart Collège des Bernardins 15 décembre 2021, 19 h Paris, France Language: French Dieu dit: « Faisons l’homme à notre image et à notre ressemblance » (Gn, 1, 26) Cette conférence est organisée par le chapitre des étudiants de Paris de l’Institut thomiste Angelicum. Cliquez ici pour visiter leur page Facebook.  

Why Do We Get Judged Twice?


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Online Professors Series Why Do We Get Judged Twice? Fr. Simon Francis Gaine, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 16 December 2021 7pm CET / 6pm GMT / 1pm EST Language: English The Catholic faith teaches that we will all be judged by Christ, at death and then again on the last day. ... Read more
