Day of Study of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Giornata di Studio della Pontificia Academia Sancti Thomae Aquinatis 24 Ottobre 2020 Angelicum, Aula Minor Language: English and Italian Join us for the Day of Study of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas! Programma 10:00 | Saluti 1. Attualità tomiste 10:15 | G. TANZELLA-NITTI (PAST ; PUSC) presenta il progetto : Teologia fondamentale in contesto scientifico. Ispirazione tomista di ... Read more

Is Belief in God Reasonable? Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles in a Contemporary Context


Is Belief in God Reasonable? Aquinas' Summa Contra Gentiles in a Contemporary Context 4-5 December 2020 on Livestream Language: English Schedule Friday, December 4, 2020 2:30 PM CET / 1:30 PM GMT / 8:30 AM EST Vetera Novis Augere: Thomas Aquinas and Christian-Muslim Dialogue Joseph Ellul, OP 4:00 PM CET / 3:00 PM GMT / 10:00 AM EST God’s Existence ... Read more

Why did God become human? Aquinas on the Incarnation


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Online Professors Series Why did God become human? Aquinas on the Incarnation Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 15 December 2020, 7 pm (Rome) Language: English   Related Content

Avoiding Complicity in Evil: Some Cooperation Problems for Moral Decision-Makers


Avoiding Complicity in Evil: Some Cooperation Problems for Moral Decision-Makers Dr. Helen Watt The Anscombe Bioethics Centre and the University of Oxford 8 January 2021, 9:30 am Livestream on Zoom Language: English This is an online lecture with Q&A organized by the KUL Chapter of the Angelicum Thomistic Institute.   Related Content

Cinco Claves Para Entender Las Cinco Vias

Istituto San Tomás – Fundación Balmesiana Carrer de Duran i Bas, 9, Barcelona, Spain

Cinco Claves Para Entender Las Cinco Vias Agustín Echavarría Universidad de Navarra Basque 28 January 2021, 6:30 pm Instituto Santo Tomás de Balmesiana, Barcelona Language: Spanish Agustín Echavarría impartirá una conferencia con motivo de la celebración de Santo Tomás de Aquino 2021 del Instituto Santo Tomás. Comenta Enric F. Gel.

La metafísica y las ciencias


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Dios y el hombre en Tomás de Aquino La metafísica y las ciencias Dr. Enrique Alarcón Universidad de Navarra 22 Febrero 2021 19:00 (Roma/Madrid) / 15:00 (Buenos Aires) / 12:00 (Mexico City) Language: Spanish En colaboración con el Instituto Santo Tomás de Balmesiana (Barcelona, España) y bajo la dirección del P. Lucas Prieto, nos complace presentar ... Read more

Imago Dei: What is the image of God?


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Online Professors Series Imago Dei: What is the image of God? Fr. Simon Francis Gaine, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 23 February 2021, 7 pm (Rome) Language: English   Related Content

Renewing Mystical Theology: The Link Between Theological Doctrine and Spiritual Practice in Medieval Spiritualities


Renewing Mystical Theology: The Link Between Theological Doctrine and Spiritual Practice in Medieval Spiritualities 26-27 February 2021 on Livestream Language: English Spirituality has grown distant from dogmatic and moral theology over the past few centuries. This trend continues, for example, in the quest to base one’s principles of spirituality mostly on the experience of one or more individuals. The medieval ... Read more

Teleology in Physics and Biology


Teleology in Physics and Biology 12-13 March 2021 on Livestream Language: English Teleology (goal-directedness) originated in the western world with Plato and Aristotle. Like virtually everyone before the modern age, they agreed that the purposefulness of nature was self-evident. However, with the advent of the scientific revolution, the reality of inbuilt finality was first questioned and then rejected by mainstream ... Read more

La simplicidad de dios en Tomás de Aquino


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Dios y el hombre en Tomás de Aquino La simplicidad de Dios en Tomás de Aquino Dr. Juan José Herrera Universidad del Norte de Santo Tomás de Aquino 15 Marzo 2021 19:00 (Roma/Madrid) / 15:00 (Buenos Aires) / 12:00 (Mexico City) Language: Spanish Continuamos nuestra serie sobre Dios y el hombre en Tomás de Aquino. Damos ... Read more
