Matteo Ricci’s Sinicized Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s Thoughts on Anthropology


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Matteo Ricci's Sinicized Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas's Thoughts on Anthropology: Taking as an Example the Chapter "On the Immortality of the Human Soul and its Difference from the Souls of Other Animals" In Catechismus Sinicus (The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven/Tianzhu Shi Yi) 利瑪竇對阿奎那人學思想的中國化詮釋—以《天主實義》“論人魂不滅大異禽獸”篇為例 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 ... Read more
