Knowing How to be Happy: Prudence in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Sr. Mary Christa Nutt, RSM

Religious Sisters of Mercy, Alma Michigan

How do we know what to do to in order to find lasting happiness? If today we sometimes equate prudence with caution or timidity, to Aquinas, prudence is the virtue by which we may attain to greater personal fulfillment and true freedom. To see prudence from his perspective more fully, we need to enter into his view of the world, God, man and virtue. Then, we too may appreciate the importance of prudence for happiness in our lives as he did!

Sister Mary Christa Nutt is a member of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan. She is currently serving on the General Council of her Institute and as the local superior in Alma, MI, where she also teaches Thomistic philosophy and theology to the postulants and novices. Sister earned a baccalaureate, license of sacred theology, and a doctoral degree in moral theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome. She is presently working on publishing her first book on freedom and religious obedience.
