Symposium Thomisticum 2022

Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek, OP, is presenting a paper in the Symposium Thomisticum V titled “Beyond the Four Species of Causes: Aristotle and Aquinas on the Complexity of Causal Relationships and the Variety of Modes of Causation.” The paper focuses on causal interactions and modes of causation according to Aristotle and Aquinas, and their relationship to contemporary developments in metaphysical and scientific approach to causation. Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, the Rector Magnificus of the Angelicum and Angelicum Thomistic Institute Professor, is also presenting a paper at the conference.

The Symposium Thomisticum is happening this year in Kraków, Poland, from 2-4 June. It is sponsored by the Cardinal Desmond Connel Education Fund and the Maritain Center of the University of Notre Dame. For more information, visit

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