What is Truth? Aquinas’s Teaching on Lying | Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP

Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP

Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

What is the essence of a lie? This question has been debated for centuries and with good reason. The secularization of society pushes the debate forward as Christians face new moral dilemmas regarding communication and truth. While some reject Thomas Aquinas’s teaching on lying as too rigid, Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP will argue that he, in fact, offers sound, coherent, universal principles accessible to all.

Sister Catherine Joseph Droste, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of the Congregation of St. Cecilia in Nashville, Tennessee. She is the Dean of Theology here at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) where she also teaches theology. Sister’s theological degrees (STB, STL & STD in dogmatic theology) are from the Angelicum. Her other degrees include a Bachelor of Arts in history from Christendom College, a Masters in history from Middle Tennessee State University, and a Masters in Educational Administration from Marymount University in Washington, D.C..
