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Canonization weekend of John Henry Cardinal Newman: “Newman the Prophet: A Saint for Our Times”
Ott 12 at 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Newman the Prophet: A Saint for Our Times
12 October 2019
Angelicum, Aula Magna
Lingua: Inglese
This conference is part of the official program for the canonization weekend of John Henry Cardinal Newman.
2:00 PM: Lead Kindly Light: the Story of a Saint
George Weigel (Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington D.C.)
2:30 PM: Thoughtful Belief in a Secular Age: The Grammar of Assent
Archbishop Bernard Longley (Archdiocese of Birmingham, England)
Response: Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP (Dean of Theology Faculty, Angelicum)
3:30 PM: Break
4:00 PM: The Idea of a University: Catholics in Modern Education
Tracey Rowland (University of Notre Dame Australia; International Theological Commission)
Response: Fr. Guy Nicholls, Cong. Orat. (Birmingham Oratory)
5:00 PM: Break
5:30 PM: Conscience, Relativism and Truth: The Witness of Newman
Archbishop Anthony Fisher, OP (Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia)
Response: Thomas Farr (Religious Freedom Institute, Washington D.C.)
6:30 PM: Conclusion
For the schedule, click here: Newman the Prophet Schedule