Aquinas on the Intellect’s Immateriality: What it Means, Whether It’s True, and Why It Matters


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Science & Religion Online Series “Immateriality in the Age of Science” Aquinas on the Intellect's Immateriality: What it Means, Whether It's True, and Why It Matters Dr. Adam Wood Wheaton College Language: English 5 February 2024 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Watch the recording on Youtube. Want to learn ... Leggi tutto

Miracles: Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives

Angelicum Largo Angelicum, 1, Rome, Rome, Italy

The Angelicum Thomistic Institute Project for Science and Religion Presents: Miracles: Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives 1-2 March 2024 Angelicum - Aula Minor   Aims of the Conference: Miracles are one of the core features of the Christian religion, as well as many other faiths. The most foundational miracles are those described throughout the biblical narrative. However, there have been ... Leggi tutto

From Indeterminacy to Immateriality: The Kripke-Ross Argument in Context


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Science & Religion Online Series “Immateriality in the Age of Science” From Indeterminacy to Immateriality: The Kripke-Ross Argument in Context Dr. Antonio Ramos Diaz Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico Language: English 6 March 2024 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Watch the recording on Youtube. Want to learn more about ... Leggi tutto

Les Maritain et Rome

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Les Maritain et Rome Journées d'étude á l'occasion du 80e anniversaire de l'ambassade de Jacques Maritain à Rome Seconde session: 8 et 9 avril 2024 Pontificia Universitàs San Tommaso d'Aquino, Angelicum Largo Angelicum, 1 ROME Language: French, Italian SCHEDULE Enjeux  doctrinaux Lundi 8 avril 2024 - Matin  9:00-9:30 | Accueil et allocution d’ouverture - Augustin LAFFAY, OP (Angelicum) Modération : ... Leggi tutto

The Neuroscience of Free Will


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Science & Religion Online Series “Immateriality in the Age of Science” The Neuroscience of Free Will Dr. Aaron Schurger Chapman University Language: English 16 April 2024 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Watch the recording here. Want to learn more about the 2023-24 Series? Visit the series webpage here. Related ... Leggi tutto

ATI-CSCS Joint Summer Seminar in Asian Philosophy and Scholasticism

Hong Kong

ATI Summer Seminar in Asian Philosophy and Scholasticism: Peace, Inside and Out July 15-26th, 2024 • Hong Kong Baptist University Speakers:  Dr. Jonathan Crowe, Bond University Dr. May Sim, College of the Holy Cross 2024 Seminar Theme - Peace, Inside and Out: This seminar is intended to introduce scholars and graduate students to Confucian and medieval Latin ('Scholastic') perspectives on peace within ... Leggi tutto
