Matteo Ricci’s Sinicized Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s Thoughts on Anthropology


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Matteo Ricci's Sinicized Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas's Thoughts on Anthropology: Taking as an Example the Chapter "On the Immortality of the Human Soul and its Difference from the Souls of Other Animals" In Catechismus Sinicus (The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven/Tianzhu Shi Yi) 利瑪竇對阿奎那人學思想的中國化詮釋—以《天主實義》“論人魂不滅大異禽獸”篇為例 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 ... Leggi tutto

Thomas Aquinas and Chinese Ethics: The Comparison between the Virtue of Charity and the Three Immortals


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Thomas Aquinas and Chinese Ethics: The Comparison between the Virtue of Charity and the Three Immortals 阿奎那與中國倫理:愛德與三不朽之比較(立德立功立言) Lecture in Cantonese | 粤语讲座 Bernadette Cheng | 鄭玉階 Friday, 11 November 12:00 Rome/17:00 Beijing 2022年11月11日,星期五 Click here to register. 点击这里注册

Comparing the Virtue of Benevolence in Confucianism and St. Thomas Aquinas 多瑪斯仁愛之德與儒家仁愛之對比


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Comparing the Virtue of Benevolence in Confucianism and St. Thomas Aquinas 多瑪斯仁愛之德與儒家仁愛之對比 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Hsiao-Huei Pan 潘小慧 Department of Philosophy Fu-Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學哲學系教授 Friday, 9 December 2022 12:00 Rome/19:00 Beijing 2022年12月9日,星期五 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Click here to register. 点击这里注册      

Thomas Aquinas’ Law of Nature and Zhu Xi’s Law of Heaven 多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Thomas Aquinas' Law of Nature and Zhu Xi's Law of Heaven 多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Bernard C. C. Li 黎建球 President Emeritus Fu-Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學榮休校長 Friday, 13 January 2023 12:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年1月13日,星期五 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Click here to register. 点击这里注册

Causality in Aquinas’ Action Theory 多玛斯行动理论中的因果关系问题


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Causality in Aquinas' Action Theory 多玛斯行动理论中的因果关系问题 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Lingchang Gui | 归伶昌 School of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 華中科技大學哲学学院講師 Monday, 27 February 2023 2023 年 2 月 27 日 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Watch the recording on Youtube.   Related Content  

St. Thomas’ “Catechetical Instruction” 聖多瑪斯的教理訓導


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座 Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 St. Thomas' "Catechetical Instruction" 聖多瑪斯的教理訓導 Lecture in Cantonese | 粤语讲座 Andrew Lam | 林康政 Adjunct professor, Caritas Institute of Higher Education; Professor, Holy Spirit Seminary College 明愛專上學院客席教授, 聖神修院客席教授 Wednesday, 8 March 2023 12:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年4月14日,星期五 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Watch the recordings on Youtube.   Related Content

Thomas Aquinas on self-knowledge of the soul and its relationship with God 多瑪斯論靈魂的自我認識與神的關係


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Thomas Aquinas on self-knowledge of the soul and its relationship with God 多瑪斯論靈魂的自我認識與神的關係 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Yueh-Kuan Lin | 林約光 Friday, 14 April 2023 13:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年4月14日,星期五 13:00/19:00(北京) Watch the recording on Youtube.   Related Content

Aquinas on the Indeterminacy of the Will | 阿奎那论意愿的不确定性


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Aquinas on the Indeterminacy of the Will 阿奎那论意愿的不确定性 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Tianyue Wu | 吳天嶽 Friday, 19 May 2023 13:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年5月19日,星期五 13:00/19:00(北京) Watch the recordings on Youtube.

Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of Perception 多玛斯·阿奎那的感知理论研究


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of Perception 多玛斯·阿奎那的感知理论研究 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Ke Xu | 許可 Assistant Research Fellow, School of Philosophy, Zhejiang University Friday, 16 June 2023 13:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年6月16日,星期五 13:00/19:00(北京) Watch the event recording on Youtube.
