Thomas Aquinas’ Law of Nature and Zhu Xi’s Law of Heaven 多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Thomas Aquinas' Law of Nature and Zhu Xi's Law of Heaven 多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Bernard C. C. Li 黎建球 President Emeritus Fu-Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學榮休校長 Friday, 13 January 2023 12:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年1月13日,星期五 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Click here to register. 点击这里注册

Science in Transhumanism: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series Science in Transhumanism: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Arvin M. Gouw School of Divinity, University of Cambridge 18 January 2023 7:00  PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English Transhumanism can incorporate good science, bad science, and the ugly - pseudoscience. The lines between ... Leggi tutto

God’s ‘Omnisubjectivity’


2022-2023 Hong Kong Series - How to Win Friends and Influence Others: Living Meaningfully Today God's 'Omnisubjectivity' Linda Zagzebski University of Oklahoma 4 February 2023 9:00 Hong Kong Language: English The lecture will be in-person and Online via Zoom. To Register Click Here

The Christian and the Transhumanist Desire for Transcendence: A Critical Evaluation


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series The Christian and the Transhumanist Desire for Transcendence: A Critical Evaluation Mariusz Tabaczek, OP Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas 8 February 2023 7:00  PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English The utopian vision and messianic instinct of transhumanist and posthumanist movement reflect a true ... Leggi tutto

Causality in Aquinas’ Action Theory 多玛斯行动理论中的因果关系问题


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Causality in Aquinas' Action Theory 多玛斯行动理论中的因果关系问题 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Lingchang Gui | 归伶昌 School of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 華中科技大學哲学学院講師 Monday, 27 February 2023 2023 年 2 月 27 日 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Watch the recording on Youtube.   Related Content  

What does Eros have to do with Agape? On the Nature of Christian love

Hong Kong and Online

2022-2023 Hong Kong Series - How to Win Friends and Influence Others: Living Meaningfully Today What does Eros have to do with Agape? On the nature of Christian love Mats Wahlberg Umeå Universitet 4 March 2023 1030 HKT 0330 Rome 2130 New York (3 March) Language: English The lecture will be held in person in CEC 911, Hong Kong Baptist ... Leggi tutto

St. Thomas’ “Catechetical Instruction” 聖多瑪斯的教理訓導


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座 Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 St. Thomas' "Catechetical Instruction" 聖多瑪斯的教理訓導 Lecture in Cantonese | 粤语讲座 Andrew Lam | 林康政 Adjunct professor, Caritas Institute of Higher Education; Professor, Holy Spirit Seminary College 明愛專上學院客席教授, 聖神修院客席教授 Wednesday, 8 March 2023 12:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年4月14日,星期五 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Watch the recordings on Youtube.   Related Content

The Forgotten History of Science and Faith: Origins of the Myth of the Warfare of Religion with Science

Online and at the Angelicum

Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series The Forgotten History of Science and Faith: Origins of the Myth of the Warfare of Religion with Science Lawerence Principe John Hopkins University 22 March 2023 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 2:00 PM (New York) Language: English Although repudiated today by all serious historians of science, the concept ... Leggi tutto

Thomas Aquinas on Friendship, Human and Divine


2022-2023 Hong Kong Series - How to Win Friends and Influence Others: Living Meaningfully Today Thomas Aquinas on Friendship, Human and Divine Fr. Michael Sherwin, OP Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas Date: 1 April 2023 (Sat) Time: 10:30 HKT (4:30 ROME) Language: English Venue: CEC 911, Hong Kong Baptist University For more information, click here. Watch the recording here. Related Content

Gerbert of Aurillac: Pope and Scientist


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Science & Religion Online Series "The Forgotten History of Science and Faith" Gerbert of Aurillac: Pope and Scientist Constantino Sigismondi Contract Professor in Rome Universities: Sapienza, Unicampus and APRA, Professor of Physics in Alessandro Volta Institute of Rome. 12 April 2023 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English A ... Leggi tutto

Thomas Aquinas on self-knowledge of the soul and its relationship with God 多瑪斯論靈魂的自我認識與神的關係


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Thomas Aquinas on self-knowledge of the soul and its relationship with God 多瑪斯論靈魂的自我認識與神的關係 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Yueh-Kuan Lin | 林約光 Friday, 14 April 2023 13:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年4月14日,星期五 13:00/19:00(北京) Watch the recording on Youtube.   Related Content

Stepping with Science to Sainthood: Nicolaus Steno’s Conversion and His Unity of Life


Angelicum Thomistic Institute – Science & Religion Online Series "The Forgotten History of Science and Faith" Stepping with Science to Sainthood: Nicolaus Steno’s Conversion and His Unity of Life Nuno Castel-Branco The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies 4 May 2023 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English In 1667, at the ... Leggi tutto
