CALL FOR PAPERS - Il concetto di "ius" in Tommaso d’Aquino


The Concept of Ius in Thomas Aquinas CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: 15 December 2022 Language: English and Italian Aims of the Conference The Conference intends to explore the Thomistic concept of ius as it is presented in Thomas Aquinas’s treatise on ius and iustitia in the Secunda Secundae of the Summa Theologiae, that is, as the object of the virtue ... Leggi tutto

Il concetto di "ius" in Tommaso d’Aquino

Angelicum Largo Angelicum, 1, Rome, Rome, Italy

The Concept of Ius in Thomas Aquinas 21-22 April 2023 Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce) Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) Languages: English and Italian Click here to download the full conference program. The Conference intends to explore the Thomistic concept of ius as it is presented in Thomas Aquinas’s treatise on ius and iustitia in ... Leggi tutto
