The Metaphysical Foundations of the Work of St. Thomas Aquinas 主題:聖多瑪斯·阿奎納的形上基礎 (國語)


Angelicum Thomistic Institute: 中文系列:文化与宗教 The Metaphysical Foundations of the Work of St. Thomas Aquinas 主題:聖多瑪斯·阿奎納的形上基礎 Prof. Bernard Li 主講人:黎建球教授 Chair Professor, Department of Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學哲學系講座教授 Saturday, 30 April 11:00 Rome/5:00 Beijing 日期:4月30日(星期六)羅馬時間11時 Language: Mandarin 普通话讲座 Prof. Bernard Li 主講人:黎建球教授 Ph.D., Department of Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學哲學系博士 Chairman of Life Education Foundation 2018/11 to present ... Leggi tutto

Cornelio Fabro之分有論——對多瑪斯天主肖像學說的再解釋 (Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Imago Dei According to Cornelio Fabro’s Notion of Participation)


Angelicum Thomistic Institute: 中文系列:文化与宗教 Cornelio Fabro之分有論——對多瑪斯天主肖像學說的再解釋 Thomas Aquinas's Doctrine of Imago Dei According to Cornelio Fabro's Notion of Participation Bernadette Cheng 鄭玉階女士 Language: Cantonese 以粵語講授 May 14, 2022 11:00 Rome / 17:00 Hong Kong 2022 2022 年 5 月 14 日 11:00 羅馬 / 17:00 香港 Bernadette Cheng is a doctorate candidate at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas ... Leggi tutto
