Les Maritain et Rome

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Les Maritain et Rome Journées d'étude á l'occasion du 80e anniversaire de l'ambassade de Jacques Maritain à Rome Seconde session: 8 et 9 avril 2024 Pontificia Universitàs San Tommaso d'Aquino, Angelicum Largo Angelicum, 1 ROME Language: French, Italian SCHEDULE Enjeux  doctrinaux Lundi 8 avril 2024 - Matin  9:00-9:30 | Accueil et allocution d’ouverture - Augustin LAFFAY, OP (Angelicum) Modération : ... Read more

La Bontà e la Perfezione di Dio

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Joint Diploma Il pensiero di san Tommaso Doctor Humanitatis La Bontà e la Perfezione di Dio Dominic Holtz, OP e Philip Neri Reese, OP Martedì 19 marzo 2024 Pontificia Università San Tommaso – ANGELICUM, Aula Minor Language: Italian Per informazioni sul programma di diploma congiunto 2022-2023 sul Pensiero di San Tommaso e per fare l'iscrizione, visita www.sitaroma.com   Orario 15:00 | OMAGGIO a ... Read more

Thomas Aquinas: Magister spiritualis

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

The Angelicum Thomistic Institute and the Angelicum Institute for Spirituality Present the Third Annual Pinckaers Chair Conference Thomas Aquinas: Magister spiritualis 10 - 11 November 2023 Location: Angelicum - Aula Minor Language: English Schedule Friday, 10 November 15:00 | Welcome 15:30 | Michael Sherwin, OP (Angelicum) | Thomas Aquinas, Master of Spiritual Theology? 16:15 | Christof Betschart, OCD (Teresianum) | ... Read more

Univocity and Analogy in the Long Thomist and Scotist Traditions

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Univocity and Analogy in the Long Thomist and Scotist Traditions 26-28 October 2023 Angelicum, Aula Minor Largo Angelicum, 1 Rome, Italy 00184 Language: English Few philosophical traditions (if any) have thought as deeply and as seriously about univocity and analogy as Thomism and Scotism. This conference will explore (a) Thomist accounts of univocity, (b) Scotist accounts of analogy, (c) Scotist ... Read more

Giornata di studio e inaugurazione del Joint Diploma Il pensiero di San Tommaso Doctor Humanitatis 2023-2024

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Joint Diploma: Giornata di studio sul pensiero di San Tommaso Il Bonum. Dono del Creatore e compito della creatura martedì, 10 ottobre 2023 - ore 15:00 Angelicum, Aula Minor Per informazioni e iscrizioni al Joint Diploma San Tommaso 2023-2024 visita  www.sitaroma.com oppure scrivere a [email protected] Orario 15.00 | Santa Messa - Prof. p. Serge-Thomas Bonino, OP - Presidente della Pontificia Accademia ... Read more

Aquinas on Bodily Place without Incorporeal Space

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Jeff Brower Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University 5 October 2023, 3:00pm Angelicum, Aula Minor Largo Angelicum, 1 Rome, Italy 00184 Language: English Watch the event recording on YouTube.

The Maritains and Rome

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

The Maritains and Rome First Session: May 11 and 12, 2023 May 11, 2023: University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway Via Ostilia, 15 Rome, Italy, 00184 May 12, 2023: Angelicum, Aula Minor Largo Angelicum, 1 Rome, Italy 00184 Language: French and simultaneous translation into English Study Days for the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Jacques Maritain Baptized in ... Read more

La Verità e la dottrina di Dio

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Joint Diploma Doctor Humanitatis La Verità e la dottrina di Dio Serge-Thomas Bonino, OP e Vivian Boland, OP martedì, 21 marzo 2023 15:00 Angelicum, Aula Minor Language: Italian Per informazioni sul programma di diploma congiunto 2022-2023 sul Pensiero di San Tommaso e per fare l'iscrizione, visita www.sitaroma.com Orario 15.00 Introduzione e presentazione 15.10 - 16.15 Serge-Thomas Bonino, OP | Dio la ... Read more

Thomism and Analytic Philosophy: The Promises and Perils of Dialogue

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Thomism and Analytic Philosophy: The Promises and Perils of Dialogue 14-15 March 2023 Angelicum, Aula Minor Largo Angelicum, 1 Rome, Italy 00184 Download the full program for the conference here. Language: English Theme of the Conference: Dialogue across philosophical traditions, like dialogue across disciplinary fields, is a dangerous enterprise. It comes with the danger of misunderstanding and the danger of ... Read more

New Heavens and a New Earth: Scientific and Theological Eschatology

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

New Heavens and a New Earth: Scientific and Theological Eschatology 10-11 March 2023 Aula Minor, Angelicum Language: English Download the full conference program here. Theme of the Conference: Physical Eschatology Eschatology – theorising about the end of the world – has historically been the purview of theology and philosophy, in the same way that Cosmogony – theorising about the origin ... Read more

Beauty and Religiosity in Science

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Beauty and Religiosity in Science 9 March 2023 Aula Minor, Angelicum Language: English Beauty and Science What role does beauty play in science? To address this question, this lecture draws on data from the world's first empirical study of the role of beauty in science, conducted in the UK, US, Italy, and India. After analyzing surveys of more than 3000 ... Read more

Modeling, Idealization, and Truth: A Dialogue between Contemporary Philosophy of Science and the Aristotelian Tradition

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Modeling, Idealization, and Truth: A Dialogue between Contemporary Philosophy of Science and the Aristotelian Tradition 24-25 February 2023 Aula Minor, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome Language: English Click here to download the program Theme of the Conference: Philosophy of Science & Aristotelian Tradition A central theme within the philosophy of science is the importance of idealization, metaphor ... Read more
