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The Johannine Corpus


Course Description

This seminar proposes to diligently analyze, examine, and reflect on selected Johannine texts: from the Gospel, the three epistles, and Revelation. The purpose is to study, learn, and understand God’s creative and recreative love and life-giving truth, as revealed by the Incarnate Word. Furthermore, the seminar studies the ethical/moral demand, which the commandment of love makes on John’s audience. Finally, we shall explore the reality of hope and triumph that shines through the opaque apocalyptic imageries and symbols in the Book of Revelation.


JOHN J. COLLINS et al, editors, The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century, Sydney, 2022.

FORD DAVID F. The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary, Baker Academic, Michigan, 2021.

MOLONEY FRANCIS J. Love in the Gospel of John: An Exegetical, Theological, and Literary Study, Baker Academic, Michigan, 2013.

MENKEN MAARTEN J.J. Studies in John’s Gospel and Epistles, Peeters, Bristol, 2015.

BEALE G.K. The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1999.