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Aggregated Institutions

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The aggregation of an institute is governed by article 64 of the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium and by articles 15 § 1 and 51 §§ 1 and 3 of the Norms of Application attached to the same Constitution, as well as on what is defined and described in this Instruction, taking into account the law as hitherto applied in ecclesiastical Faculties (q.v. VG, Norms of Application, art. 1 § 1). (Instr. on Aggreg., art. 1)

Aggregated institutes are governed by the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium and the Instruction on the Aggregation of Institutes of Higher Studies from the Dicastery for Culture and Education.

Useful Documents:


The affiliation of an institute, which is different from an aggregation or incorporation (q.v. VG, Norms of Application, art. 50-51), is its linking to an ecclesiastical Faculty with the aim of attaining, via the Faculty, the corresponding academic degree of the first cycle, i.e., the baccalaureate (q.v. VG, art. 63 § 1). (Instr. on Affil., art. 2)

Affiliated institutes are governed by the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium and the Instruction on the Affiliation of Institutes of Higher Studies from the Dicastery for Culture and Education.

Useful Documents: