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Introduction to Theology and Theological Method


Course Description

The course offers a general introduction to Theology and Theological Method following the teaching of S. Thomas Aquinas. After a brief presentation of his life and works, the following themes will be presented from the first question of the Summa Theologiae (De sacra doctrina): 1. From Philosophy to Theology (fides et ratio); 2. Theology as Science (scientia fidei); 3. Theology as Wisdom (sapientia); 4. The unique subject matter of Theology (God) and the organization of study (ordo disciplinae); 5. Sources and Arguments in Theology; 6. The method of Theology (analogia fidei); 7. The four senses of Scripture.


Jean-Pierre TORRELL, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vol. 1, The person and his work, Vol. 2: Spiritual Master, Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 1996-2003.

Jean-Pierre TORRELL, Aquinas’s Summa: background, structure, & reception, Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 2005.

Card. Charles JOURNET, The Wisdom of Faith: An Introduction to Theology, Providence, RI, Cluny Media, 2021.

Card. Charles JOURNET, The Dark Knowledge of God, Providence, RI, Cluny Media, 2020.