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History of Spirituality, Part II: Renaissance to Post-Vatican II.

Course Description

This course studies the development of spirituality from the Renaissance to the contemporary era. It visits the lives and works of various key figures from Christian spirituality in light of the cultural, scientific, philosophical and theological movements that shaped the Church (i) in and around the Renaissance movement, (ii) in the build up and outcome of the Council of Trent, (iii) in the renewal of the Second Vatican Council. The objective is to gain a better understanding on how the nature and role of spirituality in the Catholic Church was shaped across these periods by various factors such as the emergence of new or reformed religious orders, the missionary efforts for the expansion of the Church, the theological schools of the 18th and 19th century and the renewal of theology in the 20th century. By the end of this credit, the student will be able to identify, access and contexualise key figures of Christian spirituality against their respective cultural, philosophical and theological backgrounds.


IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA. Spiritual Exercises and Selected Works, Classics of Western Spirituality , Paulist Press: New York, 1991.

JOHN OF THE CROSS, The Collected Works of St John of the Cross. Trans. Kieran Kavanaugh, Institute of Carmelite Studies Publications: Washington DC, 1981.

PINCKAERS, SEVAIRS. The Spirituality of Martydom: to the Limits of Love. Trans. Patrick M. Clark and Annie Hounsokou, The Catholic University of America Press: Washington DC, 2016.

THERESA OF AVILA. The Life of Teresa of Jesus. Trans. Allison Peers, Image Books: New York, 1960.

THERESE OF LISIEUX, Story of a Soul. Trans. John Clark, Institute of Carmelite Studies Publications: Washington DC, 1996.