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Christian Anthropology


Course Description

This class examines the human being insofar as it is related to God as his creature. Christian anthropology is part of the dogmatic theology of creation, and so lays the foundation for moral theology and spirituality in their consideration of how this creature makes its journey to God. Taking its cue from Genesis 1, the class examines the fundamental claim of theological anthropology that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God the Holy Trinity, and are so created as male and female, together with the human calling from God to exercise dominion in relation to the created order. In anticipation of the theology of grace, the existence of human nature in each of the first two major states or conditions is analyzed with regard to a supernatural participation in the divine nature.


P O’CALLAGHAN, Children of God in the World: An Introduction to Theological Anthropology, CUA, Washington DC, 2016.

EDMUND HILL, Being Human: A Biblical Perspective, HarperCollins, London, 1984.

STEPHEN J. DUFFY, The Dynamics of Grace: Perspectives in Theological Anthropology, Liturgical, Collegeville, 1993.

PONTIFICAL BIBLICAL COMMISSION, What is Man? A Journey through Biblical Anthropology, Darton, Longman and Todd, London, 2019.