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Introduction to Christian Worship


Course Description

The course will provide an introduction to the study of Sacred Liturgy. The study entails the five dimensions recommended by Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 16: Liturgy «is to be taught under its theological, historical, spiritual, pastoral, and juridical aspects». Being an introductory course, the theological aspect will be emphasized, without excluding the other dimensions.


PIUS XII, Mediator Dei

SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL, Sacrosanctum Concilium.

J. RATZINGER, Theology of the Liturgy, Ignatius, San Francisco 2014.

A.G. MARTIMORT (ed.), The Church at Prayer. An Introduction to the Liturgy: One-Volume Edition, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville (Minn.) 1992 [vol. I: Principles of the Liturgy, pp. 1-301].

C. VAGAGGINI, Theological Dimensions of the Liturgy. A General Treatise on the Theology of the Liturgy, ibid. 1976.

M. GAGLIARDI, Liturgia fonte di vita. Prospettive teologiche, Fede & Cultura, Verona 2009 [Spanish edition: Edicep, Valencia 2012].