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Creation and Contemporary Science


Course Description

The seminar will address some key questions concerning plausibility of the classical Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophical theology of creation in its encounter with natural sciences. It will refer to a broad range of topics, including: creatio ex nihilo and contemporary cosmology / divine action and modern and contemporary scientific notions of causation / God-world relationship in the context of scientifically-informed theology (process theology and panentheism) / creation and evolution / theological and biological anthropogenesis / technology and biotechnology / human enhancement and transhumanism / ecology. The background in natural science is welcomed but not required.


BARR, STEPHEN M. Modern Physics and Ancient Faith. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Ind, 2003.

DODDS MICHAEL J. Unlocking Divine Action: Contemporary Science and Thomas Aquinas. Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2012.

PETERS, TED, and MARTIN HEWLETT, Evolution from Creation to New Creation: Conflict, Conversation, and Convergence. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003.

SOUTHGATE, CHRISTOPHER (ed.). God, Humanity and the Cosmos – 3rd Edition: A Textbook in Science and Religion. T & T Clark, London and New York, 2011.

THOMPSON, CHRISTOPHER J. The Joyful Mystery: Field Notes Toward a Green Thomism. Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2017.