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Studying Spirituality: Aims, Sources, Methods


Course Description

This seminar is designed specifically for students following the Diploma in Spirituality program. It complements the lecture course History of Spirituality I, providing students with the opportunity to study directly some of the most important texts of the figures considered in the lecture course: the Desert Fathers, Augustine, Patrick, Benedict, Bernard, Hildegard, Dominic, Thomas Aquinas, Eckhart, Catherine of Siena and Julian of Norwich.



The texts to be studied are chosen and distributed by the convenor of the seminar. Otherwise:

J. AUMANN, Christian Spirituality and the Catholic Tradition, Sheed and Ward, London, 1985.

J. LECLERCQ, The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture Fordham, University Press, New York, 1974 / SPCK, London, 1978.

B. McGINN, The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism Crossroad Publishing, Chestnut Ridge NY – Volume 1: The Foundations of Mysticism: Origins to the Fifth Century (1991) and Volume 2: Growth of Mysticism: From Gregory the Great through the 12th Century (1994).

B. McGINN, The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism The Modern Library, New York, 2006.

P. SHELDRAKE, editor, The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality SCM Press, London, 2005.