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The Sacraments in the Life of the Church [II]


Course Description

SACRAMENTS IN PARTICULAR. – (I) The sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism; Confirmation. (II) The Sacraments of Healing: Penance and Reconciliation; Anointing of the Sick. – (III) The Sacraments at the Service of Communion: Holy orders; Matrimony.


(In addition to the Bibliography for the 1st semester)

P. HAFFNER, The sacramental mystery, Leominster, Gracewing, 1999; 2nd ed. 2007.

H. VORGRIMLER, Sacramental theology, Collegeville (Minn.), The Liturgical Press, 1992.

N. HALLIGAN, O.P., The sacraments and their celebration, Eugene (Oreg.), Wipf and Stock, 1986 (reprint 2004).

A. J. CHUPUNGCO, O.S.B [ed.], Handbook for Liturgical studies, Vol. 4, Sacraments and sacramentals, Collegeville (Minn.), The Liturgical Press, 2000, 416 p.

A.-G. MARTIMORT (dir.), R. CABIÉ et al., The Church at prayer, Vol. 3: The Sacraments, Collegeville (Minn.), The Liturgical Press, 1987.