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Academic Degrees Earned

M.A. (Hons), St Andrews

D.Phil., Oxford

Brief Biography

Professor Ayres was born in the United Kingdom. He studied Classics at St Andrews University in Scotland, where he learned to love Plato and Thucydides. He then studied Theology at the University of Oxford where he concentrated on Augustine of Hippo and on theology in the fourth century. He has since taught in Ireland, in the United States and in the UK. During these years he also developed interests in early Christian reading of the Bible and in Greek theology between the 5th and 7th centuries. He is married with four children. Professor Ayres believes that Cricket is better than Soccer, and that Clint Eastwood is a better actor than John Wayne.

Areas of Academic Specialization and Interest

Early Christian Theology (especially Trinitarian theology, Christology after Chalcedon, The history of Christian exegesis)

Theology of Tradition & Theology of Scripture in modernity

The legacy of Ressourcement

Associations and Memberships

North American Patristics Society

Academy of Catholic Theology

Editorial board member: Modern Theology

Augustinian Studies

Irish Theological Quarterly

International Journal of Systematic Theology

Comitè de lecture, Revue des sciences religieuses.

Academic Honors and Awards

2006-7 Henry Luce Fellow

2012 Durham University Award for Doctoral Supervision

2009-2012 Inaugural Bede Professor of Catholic Theology

Durham University UK, 2014-15 Distinguished Fellow

Notre Dame University Institute of Advanced Study

2023-4 Vice-President of North American Patristics Society (President 2025-6).

Current Research and/or Writing Projects

I am currently finishing a monograph called “As It Is Written: On the Shaping of Christian Argument AD 100-250” for Princeton University Press, and co-editing the Cambridge History of Early Christian Theology.

Select Publications

“Seven Theses on Dogmatics and Patristics in Catholic Theology,” Modern Theology 37 (2021): 36-62.

The Oxford Handbook of Catholic Theology. Ed. with Medi Ann Volpe. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019 & 2023)

Augustine and the Trinity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010 & 2014)

Nicaea and its Legacy: An Approach to Fourth Century Trinitarian Theology (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004 & 2006)

The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature, edited with Andrew Louth & Frances Young, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004 & 2007).

Curriculum vitae