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Academic degrees earned

Laurea in Teologia, Università “Aristotele” di Salonicco, Grecia

M.Th in Teologia Ecumenica, Università “Aristotele” di Salonicco, Grecia

S.T.L. in Missiologia, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma

S.T.D. in Missiologia, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma

Brief biography

Dimitrios Keramidas was born in Thessaloniki. He studied ecumenical theology at the theological school of the “Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki and missiology at the Faculty of Missiology of the Pontifical Gregorian University.

He teaches ecumenism and Orthodox theology at the Pontifical University St. Thomas Aquinas “Angelicum” of Rome. He also collaborates with other Universities in Italy and Greece.

His research fields include contemporary Orthodox theology, Orthodox-Catholic dialogue, ecumenism and theology of mission.

He is co-chair of the Ecumenical Dialogue Group of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA), vice-president of CEMES (Centre of Ecumenical, Missiological and Environmental Studies “Metropolitan Panteleimon Papageorgiou” – Thessaloniki) and partner of the Italian Association of Ecumenists (AIDEcu).

Areas of Academic Specialization and Interest


Orthodox Mission

Contemporary Orthodox Theology

Select Publications


Ιεραποστολή και διαθρησκειακός διάλογος στη Ρωμαιοκαθολική Εκκλησία μετά τη Β Σύνοδο του Βατικανού [Mission and Inter-Faith Dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church after Vatican II], Thessaloniki: K. & M. Stamouli Publications 2012, pp. 280.

Ortodossia greca ed Europa. Percorsi teologici, approcci ecclesiastici, prospettive ecumeniche, Assisi: Cittadella Editrice 2016, pp. 220.

Ορθοδοξία και Ευαγγέλιο στον 21o αιώνα. Δοκιμές ιεραποστολικής αυτογνωσίας [Orthodoxy and Gospel in the 21st century: Testing Missionary Self-awareness], Thessaloniki: CEMES Publications 2018, pp. 124.


Edited Volumes

[Drafting] Felix Körner, La riscoperta dell’identità religiosa. Un dialogo interdisciplinare, Rome: GBPress 2013, pp. 117.

[with Nikos Kouremenos], Nationalism and Ecumenical Orthodoxy, Thessaloniki: CEMES Publications – K. & M. Stamouli Publications 2021, pp. 163.


Articles/Chapters in Edited Volumes

“Η Ορθόδοξη θεολογία μετά την Αγία και Μεγάλη Σύνοδο. Προτεραιότητες και περιορισμοί” (Orthodox theology after the Holy and Great Council. Priorities and limits], in Α. Maras – Ε. Kasselouri (eds.), Θεός πού; Στους δρόμους της ερμηνείας και της μαρτυρίας [Where is God? In the Ways of Hermeneutics and Witness], Athens: Armos Publications 2020, 169-209.

“Η Αγία και Μεγάλη Σύνοδος και η ορθόδοξη διασπορά. Εθνικοί πειρασμοί και ιεραποστολικές προκλήσεις”, [The Holy and Great Council and the Orthodox diaspora. National Temptations and Missionary Challenges], Θεολογία 91:4 (2020), 35-61.

“The Question of “Uniatism” in the Framework of the Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue and the Ecclesiological Option of Communio”, in V. Latinovic – A. Wooden (eds.), Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy?, New York: Palgrave 2021, vol. I, 355-374.

“Unicità e pluralità della Chiesa. Una considerazione ortodossa”, in A. Caputo (ed.), Pensare e Vivere il dialogo. Teologia e filosofia per dire Dio e l’umano in un mo(n)do plurale, Bari: Ecumenica Editrice 2021, 207-230.

“Theological Bases, History and Current Practice of Church Mission and Catechesis” (in Russian), The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute 39 (2021), 105–122.

“Mission and Christian unity: Some Recent Hermeneutic Approaches in the Orthodox Church”, International Review of Mission 110:2 (November 2021), 196-216.

“The Holy and Great Council and the Orthodox Diaspora. National Temptations and Missionary Challenges”, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Theologia Orthodoxa 66:2 (2021), 51-68.

“Appunti sul personalismo teologico di Christos Yannaras. Temi e reazioni”, Lateranum 87:3 (2021), 543-558.

“Historical Factors of the Estrangement Between the Catholic and the Orthodox Church”, in L. Puhalo – P. Vassiliadis – Ν. Dimitriadis – K. Drosia (eds.), For the Unity of the One Church of Christ, CEMES Publications-Synaxis Press, Dewdney 2022, 59-65.

“Evangelisation and ‘Mission in the documents of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church”, in G. Marani – L. Ebralidze (eds.), The Mission of the Universal Church. An Oriental Perspective, Roma 2022, 65-83.

“Il cammino ecumenico dell’Ortodossia dopo il Concilio di Creta”, in R. Burigana – P. Piatti (eds.), Un Concilio di oggi. Memoria, recezione e presente del Concilio di Firenze (14-39-2019), LEV, Roma 2022, 309-334.

(with Nikos Kouremenos) “L’autocefalia nella Chiesa Ortodossa. Appunti per una rilettura ecclesiologica”, Angelicum 99:3 (2022), 447-460.

“Ortodossi e cattolici in dialogo. Primato e sinodalità dopo il documento di Chieti (2016)”, Paralellus 13:33 (2022), 389-400.

“L’autorità canonica del Santo e Grande Concilio della Chiesa Ortodossa del 2016”, Lateranum 88:2-3 (2022), 269-279.

“Cristiani, politica e nazione. Un punto di vista ortodosso”, Religioni e Società 37: 104 (2022), 36-44.

“La riforma liturgica nella chiesa ortodossa. Storia, profilo teologico e significazioni ecumeniche”, Apulia Theologica IX:1 (2023), 197-216.

Ut Unum Sint and the Challenge of Shared Primacies. An Orthodox Reflection / Ut Unum Sin y el desafío de las primacías compartidas. Una reflexión ortodoxa”, in A.-J. Valencia – H. Destivelle (eds.), “Ut Unum Sint. El camino irreversible de la Iglesia”, Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer-UCV, Valencia 2023, 351-382.



[English into Greek (editor)] WCC, Together towards life. Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes. The New Mission Statement of the World Council of Churches (2012), for P. Vassiliadis (ed.), Από κοινού για τη ζωή. Ιεραποστολή και Ευαγγελισμός σε έναν μεταβαλλόμενο κόσμου, Thessaloniki: CEMES Publications 2017, pp. 43.

[Italian into Greek] Andrea Riccardi, Il professore e il patriarca: Umanesimo spirituale tra nazionalismi e globalizzazione, Milano: Jaca Book 2018, for Aθηναγόρας και Olivier Clément. Ένας Πατριάρχης και ένας Καθηγητής μεταξύ των εθνικισμών και της παγκοσμιοποίησης, Athens: Apostoliki Diakonia 2020, pp. 349.

[Greek into Italian] Christos Yannaras, Caduta, Giudizio, Inferno, ovvero la minaccia giudiziaria all’ontologia, Rome: Lipa 2022, pp. 133.