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Cattoi headshot July 2024

Academic degrees earned

BA Oxford University (Economics and Philosophy)
MSc London School of Economics (Economics and Philosophy)
STL Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University
MA California Institute of Integral Studies (Psychology)
PhD Boston College (Systematic and Comparative Theology)

Brief biography

Prof. Cattoi studied economics and philosophy at Oxford and London Universities before completing a PhD in systematic and comparative theology at Boston College. His main areas of research are early Christian theology and spirituality, with a particular interest in the post-Chalcedonian period, Orthodox theology, and interreligious dialogue, focusing on the conversation between Eastern Christianity and Buddhism. From 2006 to 2024, Prof. Cattoi taught at the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He now holds the William and Barbara Moran chair in early Christian theology and interreligious relations at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Areas of Academic Specialization/Interest

Early Christian theology, Orthodox theology, Buddhist-Christian dialogue, Buddhist thought

Associations and Memberships

Academy of Catholic Theology, North American Patristic Society, International Orthodox Theological Association (Associate Member), Board member of the Society of Buddhist Christian Studies and the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, co-editor of the journal Buddhist-Christian Studies, member of the board of the Ancient Christian Writers series)

Current research/writing projects

Letters from Asia: Correspondence by 17th ad 18th-century European Missionaries from the Fabronian Library in Pistoia (Brill, forthcoming)

Select Publications

Seeking Wisdom, Embracing Compassion: A Philokalic Commentary to Tsong kha pa’s Great Treatise (Christian Commentary to Non-Christian texts. Brill, 2024)

With Kevin Clarke (eds.), Maximos the Confessor and the Latin Tradition (Brill, 2024)

With Brandon Gallaher and Paul Ladouceur (eds.), Eastern Orthodoxy and World Religions: The Theology and Practice of Interreligious Encounter in the Christian East (Brill, 2024)

With Carol Anderson (eds.), Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue (Routledge, 2022)