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Academic degrees earned

Doctorate in Sacred Theology [STD and PhD] 2017 (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)

License in Sacred Theology [STL] 2009 (UCA: Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina)

License in Philosophy 2004 (UNSTA: Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino, Argentina)

License in Religious Sciences 2001 (UNSTA)

Courses at the Angelicum

Brief biography

Fr. John Emery is a priest of the Order of Preachers who teaches Systematic Theology at the Studium of the Order in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His main area of research is the theology of Thomas Aquinas, particularly his Christology. He has a keen interest in the connection between Dogmatic and Moral theology, as well as between Biblical Exegesis and Systematic Theology. He is also a co-founder and co-director of the Aquinas Project, which runs the iaquinas website and YouTube channel.

Areas of Academic Specialization/Interest

Theology of Thomas Aquinas (Dogmatic and Moral theology and Biblical Exegesis)

Associations and Memberships

Moderator Studiorum of the Province of Argentina: 2018 to date

Director of the Theology Department at the UNSTA: 2018 to date

Coordinator of a two-year program in Theology for lay students at the UNSTA: 2009-2010

Head of the Department of Humanistic and Christian Formation of the UNSTA: 2007-2010

Member of the Board of Trustees (Junta de Gobierno) of the UNSTA: 2006-2009

Interim Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the UNSTA: 2007-2008

Interim Director of Pastoral Ministry at the UNSTA: 2006

Select Publications

“El concepto de communicatio y la amistad en Santo Tomás,” forthcoming (2022).

“Toward a Friendship Spirituality of the Divine Missions,” forthcoming (2022).

“Jesus Cristo,” in Vocabulário Teológico de Tomás de Aquino, ed. J. Savian Filho (São Paulo: Ed. Paulinas, forthcoming). Written in collaboration with Conor McDonough, OP.

“Aquinas’s Christology of Communication,” in Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology, eds. Michael A. Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, OP and Roger W. Nutt (Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, 2021).

“A Christology of Communication: Christ’s Charity according to Thomas Aquinas,” 2017 (English, 604 pages; in fulfillment of the Doctorate in Sacred Theology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland): privately published.

“The Theological Method of Cyril of Alexandria in his Dogmatic Exegesis,” 2009 (Spanish, 167 pages; in partial fulfillment of the License in Sacred Theology, UCA): unpublished.

“Connaturality and Ethics: Elements for an Ethics of Connaturality,” 2004 (Spanish, 149 pages; in partial fulfillment of the License in Philosophy, UNSTA): unpublished.

Separatio: The Metaphysical Knowledge of Ens according to the Act of Being in Aquinas,” 2002 (Spanish, 166 pages; in partial fulfillment of the License in Philosophy, UNSTA): unpublished.

“The Mystery of Charity: A Synthesis of the Revealed and Communicated Mystery,” 2001 (Spanish, 59 pages; in partial fulfillment of the License in Religious Sciences, UNSTA): unpublished.

Curriculum Vitae