Thomism After Vatican II

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

After Vatican II, Thomism was often seen as a hindrance to the Church in her engagement with contemporary society. Today that assumption is being revisited. There is a renaissance in Thomistic studies, often in collaboration with other academic disciplines and in engagement with contemporary theology and philosophy. This event will discuss the fate of Thomism in a post-Vatican II setting. ... Leggi tutto

Can Human Beings Find Happiness? Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Human Happiness

Colégio de São Tomás - Quinta das Conchas Av. Maria Helena Vieira da Silva 39, Lisbon, Portugal

Can Human Beings Find Happiness? Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Human Happiness Thomas Joseph White, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 22 November 2018 Colégio São Tomás - Quinta das Conchas Language: English Father Thomas Joseph White, OP will be giving the inaugural talk for the Lisbon Chapter of the Angelicum Thomistic Institute. He will address ... Leggi tutto

The Spiritual Soul and Contemporary Neuroscience: A Thomistic Perspective

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

The Spiritual Soul and Contemporary Neuroscience: A Thomistic Perspective 1 December 2018 Angelicum, Aula Minor Language: English The Catholic Church teaches that each human being possesses a spiritual soul, made in the image of God, and that is the form of the body. Today advances in modern neuroscience unveil profound connections that exist between the structure and functioning of the ... Leggi tutto

St. Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart – Consent and Dissent

St. Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart - Consent and Dissent Fr. Walter Senner, OP 16 January 2019, 4:30 pm Language: English Join Fr. Prof. Dr. phil. Walter Senner, O.P., for a farewell lecture on St. Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart - Consent and Dissent.

The Need for Catholic Intellectuals Today

St. Saviour's Church Dominick Street Lower, Rotunda, Dublin, Ireland

The Need for Catholic Intellectuals Today Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum 7 February 2019, 7:30 pm St. Saviour's Church This talk is sponsored by the Thomistic Institute of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. Fr. Thomas Joseph White is the Director of ... Leggi tutto

Theological Exegesis: Scriptural Theology

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Theological Exegesis: Scriptural Theology 22-23 February 2019 Angelicum, Aula Minor Language: English This conference considers ways that theology might be grounded in exegesis and modern exegesis might be conducted in ways deeply convergent with classical doctrine. It features discussions between exegetes and theologians around a series of core biblical themes: God, creation and covenant, Trinity, Christology, Church, with representative from ... Leggi tutto
