Moral Enhancement, the Virtues, and Transhumanism: Moving beyond Gene Editing


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series Moral Enhancement, the Virtues, and Transhumanism: Moving beyond Gene Editing Braden Molhoek Graduate Theological Union 15 November 2022 7:00 PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English Moving beyond Gene Editing: The desire to amplify existing human capabilities, or to endow humans with new abilities, are ... Leggi tutto

La terre, un lieu commun du thomisme?


Emmanuel Brochier Mardi 29 novembre 2022, 19:00 EUR Institut Thomiste Paris, France Langue : français 19:45 : échange avec l'intervenant 20:00 : apéritif de rentrée Regardez l'enregistrement sur Youtube.

Eschatology and the Human Person

Angelicum Largo Angelicum, 1, Rome, Rome, Italy

The Second Annual Pinckaers Chair Conference Eschatology and the Human Person 2-3 December 2022 Location: Angelicum - Aula Minor Language: English Eschatology and the Human Person 2022 Program Schedule Friday, 2 December 12:30 | Simon Francis Gaine OP (Pinckaers Professor and Director of the Angelicum Thomistic Institute) | Universal Salvation, Damnation, and the Task of Theology 13:30 | Lunch Break ... Leggi tutto

Comparing the Virtue of Benevolence in Confucianism and St. Thomas Aquinas 多瑪斯仁愛之德與儒家仁愛之對比


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Comparing the Virtue of Benevolence in Confucianism and St. Thomas Aquinas 多瑪斯仁愛之德與儒家仁愛之對比 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Hsiao-Huei Pan 潘小慧 Department of Philosophy Fu-Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學哲學系教授 Friday, 9 December 2022 12:00 Rome/19:00 Beijing 2022年12月9日,星期五 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Click here to register. 点击这里注册      

The Religion of Technology: Transhumanism and the Myth of Progress


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series The Religion of Technology: Transhumanism and the Myth of Progress Michael Burdett University of Nottingham Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, University of Oxford 14 December 2022 7:00  PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English In this presentation I chart a succinct intellectual history ... Leggi tutto

CALL FOR PAPERS - Il concetto di "ius" in Tommaso d’Aquino


The Concept of Ius in Thomas Aquinas CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: 15 December 2022 Language: English and Italian Aims of the Conference The Conference intends to explore the Thomistic concept of ius as it is presented in Thomas Aquinas’s treatise on ius and iustitia in the Secunda Secundae of the Summa Theologiae, that is, as the object of the virtue ... Leggi tutto

CALL FOR PAPERS – Modeling, Idealization, and Truth

Angelicum - Aula Minor Largo Angelicum 1, Rome, Italy

Modeling, Idealization, and Truth: A dialogue between contemporary philosophy of science and the Aristotelian tradition CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: 1 January 2023 Language: English  Aims of the Conference A central theme within the philosophy of science is the importance of idealization, metaphor and modeling for both how we know, and what we know, through the natural sciences. This improved understanding ... Leggi tutto

Thomas Aquinas’ Law of Nature and Zhu Xi’s Law of Heaven 多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理


Chinese Online Series 中文系列線上講座: Dialogue with Thomas Aquinas 與多瑪斯阿奎那的對話 Thomas Aquinas' Law of Nature and Zhu Xi's Law of Heaven 多瑪斯的自然律與朱熹的天理 Lecture in Mandarin | 普通话讲座 Bernard C. C. Li 黎建球 President Emeritus Fu-Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學榮休校長 Friday, 13 January 2023 12:00 (Rome) / 19:00 (Beijing) 2023年1月13日,星期五 12:00(罗马)/19:00(北京) Click here to register. 点击这里注册

Science in Transhumanism: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Angelicum Thomistic Institute - Science & Religion Online Series Science in Transhumanism: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Arvin M. Gouw School of Divinity, University of Cambridge 18 January 2023 7:00  PM (Rome) / 6:00 PM (London) / 1:00 PM (New York) Language: English Transhumanism can incorporate good science, bad science, and the ugly - pseudoscience. The lines between ... Leggi tutto

Worin Der Mensch Seine Vollendung Findet

Pfaarsaal St. Ludwig Ludwigstraße 22, München, Germany

Worin Der Mensch Seine Vollendung Findet Das Verständnis Der Wahrheit Bei Thomas von Aquin Referent: Dr. Hanns-Gregor Nissing  Mittwoch, 18 Januar 2023, 19:30 UHR, Munich, DE Ort: Pfaarsaal St. Ludwig, Ludwigstraße 22, München Eintritt Frei Mit Anschließender Erfrischung Sprache: Deutsch  Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an [email protected].

Thomas Aquinas: Medieval Thinker in the 21st Century Global Village

Dominican University, Ibadan, Nigeria 200132, Ibadan, Nigeria

Thomas Aquinas: Medieval Thinker in the 21st Century Global Village 25-26 January 2023 Ibadan, Nigeria & Online (Zoom) Language: English St. Thomas Aquinas has held a central place in Catholic thinking for generations. But what is his role in the diverse and globalised reality of today’s world and the contemporary Church? The Dominican University, Ibadan, and the Angelicum Thomistic Institute ... Leggi tutto
