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Writing Center

Page Contents

Who Angelicum writing tutors are

  • Angelicum writing tutors are educators who assist students in all phases of the writing and revision process. They help students overcome writer’s block, brainstorm ideas, identify an argument, select evidence, organize thoughts, improve style and develop editing skills. Their goal is to help students learn to independently write and evaluate their writing.
  • Angelicum writing tutors generally have a university degree in writing, communications, journalism, English or another relevant field, plus significant experience in writing and teaching. 
  • Angelicum writing tutors are free-of-charge for Angelicum students of any faculty within the university.
  • Students may request an appointment
  • Professors may recommend a student 

What writing tutors do

  • Angelicum writing tutors consult with students at any stage of the writing process, even before the student starts writing. They are happy to look at notes, outlines or very early drafts. In fact, their feedback is often most helpful in a writing’s early stages. Students are encouraged to consult with a writing tutor before beginning to write.
  • Writing tutors prioritize the most fundamental elements of writing: thesis or main idea, sub-claims, evidence, argument, organization and clarity.
  • While writing tutors do deal with mechanical details such as grammar, punctuation and citations, they do so only after addressing the elements listed above.

What writing tutors don't do

  • Angelicum writing tutors don’t proofread or edit student papers. Rather than show students how to perfect a writing, they show them how to progress to the next step. Students must invest time, thought and energy in the conversation, be actively involved in conceptualizing their writing and remain open to re-thinking their ideas.
  • Writing tutors don’t provide tutoring on theology. They also don’t give English language lessons, but they are happy to work with multilingual students who’d like help with their English writing.
  • Writing tutors don’t predict the grade a writing will receive.

How to consult with a writing tutor

  • Students must request an appointment via this form at least 48 hours before the time they desire. A writing tutor’s availability isn’t guaranteed.
  • Students are welcome to book an appointment even if they don’t have a draft and are struggling to get started on a project.
  • Sessions may be up to 60 minutes long.
  • Sessions may be held in person or via video conference, as agreed to by both the writing tutor and student.
  • If a student would like a draft to be read in advance of an appointment, the draft must be fewer than 5 pages long and submitted to the writing tutor via email at least 48 hours prior to the appointment, together with the theology professor’s instructions for the assignment.
  • Students who would like to discuss a draft at an appointment must bring two copies to the session. They must also bring a pen or pencil, together with their theology professor’s instructions for the assignment. Students must include their name and page numbers on their drafts.
  • For writings over 5 double-spaced pages, students must make two or more appointments. One session is recommended for every 5 pages.
  • Students must arrive on time for their appointments. An appointment is automatically cancelled when the student is 10 minutes late.
  • Students must provide 24 hours’ notice if they need to cancel an appointment.
  • If there are any questions or concerns, please contact us here.

What happens in a session

  • Before examining any notes or drafts brought to the session, the writing tutor will ask the student: “What are you working on?” “Where are you in the project?” and “What would you like to focus on today?” 
  • Together, the student and writing tutor will discuss the goals of the writing, identify areas of concern and develop strategies for handling them. They will tackle just a few issues in each session.
  • If the student has brought a draft, the student will read it aloud.
  • The writing tutor will then seek to identify both strengths and weaknesses in the draft and will ask questions to help the student discern the most pressing needs for revision and develop a concrete set of next steps. 

What doesn't happen during a session

  • Quick fixes aren’t offered; the focus is long-term improvement. Students must write, proofread and revise their own work, although writing tutors are happy to teach students the skills they need to do so.