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Bioethical Challenges, Beginning of Life


Course Description

The scientific development allows the application of new procedures, from which human life isn’t spared. Thus, expectations in bioethics are high. In this course, various bioethical challenges are presented and analysed from an interdisciplinary perspective. In order to realise this goal, anthropological premises and landmarks will be given as a general introduction to bioethics. Subsequently, different specialties will be presented in the context of human reproduction, the beginning of human life, human genetics, human embryos and human life in its last phase. The objective consists in providing an overview of the most important bioethical challenges at the beginning of life and being able to acquire an ethical evaluation.


CDF: Instruction Donum vitae. On respect for human life in its origin and the dignity of procreation replies to certain questions of the day, in AAS 80 (1988) 70-102. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Instruction Dignitas personae on certain bioethical questions, in. AAS 100 (2008) 858-887.

ELIO SGRECCIA, Personalistic Bioethics: Foundations and Applications, vol. I, (Broomall, PC: NCBC, 2012).

RALPH WEIMANN, Bioethical Challenges at the End of Life. An Ethical Guide in Catholic Perspective, New York: Angelico Press, 2022.