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Ebraico C / Hebrew C


Course Description

This course will complete Lambdin’s grammar as well as engage in active reading, analysis and translation of selected narrative passages from the books of Genesis, Exodus, Judges and Samuel. Particular attention will be given to the main aspects of the Hebrew syntax. There will be one mid-term exam based on Lambdin’s grammar. The final exam will consist of translation of some studied passages without the use of a dictionary.


Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Ed. by K. ELLIGER -W. RUDOLPH (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 1967, 51994).

LAMBDIN, T.O., Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (London 1973) [exists in several languages];

JOÜON P. –MURAOKA, T., A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew (SubBib 27; Roma: PIB 2006);

WALTKE B.K. – O’CONNOR M., An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns 1990). Various online resources.