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Orthodox Contemporary Theology


Course Description

The course will present some of the most representative figures and themes of the twentieth-century and contemporary Orthodox theology, in particular from the Russian (Bulgakov, Lossky, Florovsky, Meyendorff, Schmemann, Afanassieff, Evdokimov), Greek (Zizioulas, Yannaras), Romanian (Staniloae, Steinhart), Serbian (Popovic), and Western (Behr-Sigel, Clément, Ware) contexts. Through these figures, the main theological trends will be introduced (Slavophile movement, Neopatristics, Eucharistic ecclesiology, theological personalism, etc.). Emphasis will also be placed on the dialogue between these authors and Western Christianity.


G. FLOROVSKY, Ways of Russian Theology, in Collected Works of Georges Florovsky, vol. 5,1, Nordland, 1979.

A. LOUTH, Modern Orthodox Thinkers: From the Philokalia to the Present, Illinois, 2015.

BRYN GEFFERT and THEOFANIS G. STAVROU (eds.), Eastern Orthodox Christianity: Supplemental Texts, New Haven, 2016.

H. DESTIVELLE, Les sciences théologiques en Russie, Paris, 2008.